Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


How Local Libraries Help Welcome Refugees

One Rioter explores how local libraries can support refugees and asylum seekers, and help them navigate and negotiate a new town or city.

What the World Needs Now is Adventure Romance

We need more adventure romances, please!

The Bookish Life of Elisabeth Moss

From starring in The Handmaid's Tale to narrating audiobooks and producing her own adaptations, Elisabeth Moss leads a bookish life.

Cookbook Showdown: The Best Iced Tea Recipes, Tested

We pit four cookbooks against each other to find the ultimate best iced tea recipe, and here are the results, with photo evidence.

An Ode To Books About Crying

Dedicating entire books to tears in a society that discourages crying is a radical act. Here's what books about crying have to say.

An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy

Of all the versions of Mr. Darcy that exist, which is the best? Here are rankings of the smoldering, iconic character.

What is the Point of What If…? in the Marvel Universe?

Marvel Comics' What If…? began decades ago as a new way to tell unlikely stories, but how does it serve the Marvel Universe now?

The Bookish Life of Lee Pace

From Romeo and Juliet to Foundation and Guardians of the Galaxy, Lee Pace has led a bookish acting life that only continues to grow.

How Is Existential Dread Depicted In Fiction?

Literature depicting existential dread is not an aesthetic, but a necessity in understanding and coping with the world we live in today.

The Dog Dies in This One: An Essay About the Death of Animals in Fiction

It can be traumatic to read about animal death, so why do we do it? An essay on the role of pet death in fiction and the purpose it serves.