Grace Lapointe

Grace Lapointe’s fiction has been published in Kaleidoscope, Deaf Poets Society, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, and is forthcoming in Corporeal Lit Mag. Her essays and poetry have been published in Wordgathering. Her stories and essays—including ones that she wrote as a college student—have been taught in college courses and cited in books and dissertations. More of her work is at, Medium, and Ao3.

THE GIRL WHO DRANK THE MOON Is About Questioning the Status Quo

What does it mean to challenge and question the status quo? THE GIRL WHO DRANK THE MOON is an excellent example.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin: Terrifying, Mysterious, and Still Relevant

A look at the story of The Pied Piper of Hamelin, the terrifying legend that still resonates with audiences over 700 years later.

26 Of The Most Popular Literary Devices In Poetry

Here's your guide to the most common literary devices in poetry along with examples, whether you're a student, poetry, or lifelong learner.

When a “Romantic” Read is Really About Grooming

Are these well-regarded books actually romantic, or do they depict grooming? What are the implications of these "love stories"?

How ANNA KARENINA Blurs Public and Private Life

The the blurring of private and public aspects of life my seem like a recent phenomenon, but Anna Karenina proves that's far from the case.

A Reaction to SHADOW AND BONE From a Fan of the Books

(Note: Shadow and Bone/Grishaverse books and show spoilers) As a fan of Leigh Bardugo’s fantasy novels since 2016, I admit ...

Reading Flannery O’Connor as a Millennial, Disabled Writer

On reading Flannery O'Connor as a millennial, disabled writer, and the shock of recognition of the ableism described in her work.

9 of the Best Fantasy Maps In Books

The best fantasy maps can world-build geography, climate, and languages, hint at history or lore, and more. Find our favorites now, including ones from Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi and Circe by Madeline Miller.

6 Books to Check Out if You Loved HAMNET by Maggie O’Farrell

If you enjoyed Maggie O'Farrell's historical fiction about Shakespeare's son, check out these thematically similar books like HAMNET.

Rediscovering My Love of Coloring Books While Social Distancing

When one reader exhausted interest in reading and other activities while social distancing, she rediscovered her passion for coloring books.