Why I Became a Librarian: 32 Reasons from Twitter
https://twitter.com/Rose_Redrum/status/1063428104067141633Because I have an insane need to know things. And acquisitions is really buying all the books you want without using your own money. https://t.co/7Q2uhSNoI3
— Karolyn (@hennasarai) November 16, 2018
It was either that or pay all my library fines. https://t.co/4JvTXfg0W0
— Skee-Ball Librarian (@oodja) November 16, 2018
Started as a high school student because I loved using the library and love books. Continued as an adult because I realised I love helping people. I'm absolutely a public servant (and also still love books and other media) so its perfect ❤️ https://t.co/hc0Ai1c9Fx
— Samantha Hay (@sambrarian) November 16, 2018
I wanted to go into the magical world of Cataloging to bring organization to my small corner of the universe, but while I was in school Youth Services had an opening and I’m so so happy it happened that way because I have the absolute best job in the world. https://t.co/3IfrPaaoWY
— LibrarySocks (@LibrarySocks) November 16, 2018
https://twitter.com/mdatilano/status/1063421794923806720 https://twitter.com/liz_schiller/status/1063242777402793991 https://twitter.com/BookElfLeeds/status/1063415852949753856Because everyone deserves access to information that could improve their lives, make them happy, or help them help others. Info is power and all deserve that. https://t.co/F4iDXfWbnn
— Jennifer Burke (@theinfohound) November 16, 2018
https://twitter.com/williamottens/status/1063413543805034496Because it gave me the chance to research and learn stuff to infinity and gave me a paycheck for it. https://t.co/aDsoconmQj
— Ms Retiredlibrarian (@goodlibrarian) November 16, 2018
Came for the books, stayed for the treasure hunts and the smiles on patrons’ faces when said treasure hunt is successful. Now I’m just happy to be part of an essential service that our community values highly, as has proven over the last week. It’s good to be doing service work. https://t.co/9Fzxc0tdSm
— BiblioCanadian (@knit_brarian) November 16, 2018
https://twitter.com/HubrisRex/status/1063277245647720448I didn't know what to do when I was about to get my BA, so I went to the library to figure out where on earth I'd want to—PEOPLE WORK AT THE LIBRARY I NEED TO BE ONE OF THEM
— Bee Ostrowsky 🇺🇦 (@beeostrowsky) November 16, 2018
ALA Annual was in my town that summer, and meeting people on the exhibit floor confirmed my desire. https://t.co/umEN2Pku5F
https://twitter.com/mrsfrankenstien/status/1063269407995113472I have always loved books. Though for my 1st interview, I was told, “For God’s sake, don’t tell them you like books!” https://t.co/Rg0jbRsLMD
— Richard Overell (@richard_overell) November 16, 2018
https://twitter.com/tfortx/status/1063248937094705152Sharing rare materials with people! I love to geek out with them! https://t.co/fSlPF1eRMU
— Mattie (@MattieT650) November 16, 2018
https://twitter.com/Othemts/status/1063243412860747777 https://twitter.com/MyBrightestAbby/status/1063243378823958528 https://twitter.com/_PenguinFlight/status/1063242976154009611 https://twitter.com/referencebird/status/1063241323304480768 https://twitter.com/wreninflight/status/1063240172760776705 https://twitter.com/kcrowe/status/1063238668356247553I fell in with a bad crowd. https://t.co/TTbnLFMm8z
— Jon Harris (@JonQuixote) November 16, 2018
It was basically a F*ck U to the Mean Old Librarians who treated me like I couldn't alphabetize without an MLS (I was in IT at the time). I just realized I have a Spite MLS. https://t.co/ly3MKaR4hK
— Brandon (@woogapdx) November 16, 2018
https://twitter.com/DrunkestLibrary/status/1063208428515065856I worked in a public library for 9 years and figured I was gonna die there so why not https://t.co/LkkawsunWn
— m (@knowntbshater) November 15, 2018
https://twitter.com/wawoodworth/status/1063191174217953281 So many good replies! These are only a few of the very many excellent responses. Check the rest out on Andy’s twitter (@wawoodword) and, like Alice, fall down the rabbit hole of the wonderful world of libraries. And from a librarian to all you readers, learners, and patrons of all kinds, thank you for making libraries possible.Volunteered in a prison, saw the positive impact the librarian had on the incarcerated citizens, and said, "That seems like a much better use of my life than what I am currently doing." And now I am an elementary school librarian (maybe one day I will get to return to prison!) https://t.co/KDhlFBlLJu
— Steph (@WriteOnSteph) November 15, 2018