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Read Harder

The Joy of Neurodivergent Romance Novels

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Danika Ellis

Associate Editor

Danika spends most of her time talking about queer women books at the Lesbrary. Blog: The Lesbrary Twitter: @DanikaEllis

Task #19 of the 2024 Read Harder Challenge is “Read a romance with neurodivergent characters,” and as it happens, 2024 has been the year I discovered that my favorite romance novels almost all have neurodivergent main characters. (First TikTok, now my romance reading is diagnosing me.)

Neurodivergent is an umbrella term that is defined slightly differently depending on the source. It includes autistic people as well as people with ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Tourette syndrome, and more. If you are neurodivergent, reading romance novels about neurodivergent characters is a great way to see yourself in a story with a happy ending. If you’re neurotypical, they’re a way to get a better idea of what it’s like to be neurodivergent but wrapped up in an entertaining and moving love story.

Usually, I’d now recommend a couple of books to complete this Read Harder task, plus five or six more recommendations for paid subscribers. As it happens, though, CJ Connor just wrote a great list on exactly this topic: The Best Romance Books with Neurodivergent Main Characters. So, instead, I’ll recommend three of my personal favorites — these were all five-star reads — and then direct you to CJ’s list for 15 more!

Here We Go Again by Alison Cochrun Book Cover

Here We Go Again by Alison Cochrun

How does the pitch “lesbian romcom about death” sound to you? This is about two women, Logan and Rosemary, who used to be childhood best friends, but now they’re rival English teachers at the same school. When their shared mentor’s dying wish is to be driven to his cabin in Maine, they reluctantly agree to go on a road trip with him together. They’re total opposites: Logan is messy and out of control, Rosemary is the model teacher and is always in control. They soon learn they have a lot more in common than they thought, though, including that they both have ADHD. I loved every part of this.

Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert Book Cover

Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert

I am a fan of the whole Brown Sisters trilogy, but this one is my favorite. Eve Brown is trying to prove to her family that she can take care of herself, so she applies for a job at a B&B. The interview goes disastrously, so she doesn’t get the position…and then she hits the owner with her car. Now Jacob’s arm is broken, so he needs Eve’s help. They butt heads constantly, but they also can’t deny their attraction. Jacob is autistic, and over the course of the novel, Eve realizes that she is, too. This is such a fun and steamy read — I may have actually swooned at one scene.

Late Bloomer cover

Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings

My last pick is an F/F romance between two neurodivergent women who clash while in a forced proximity situation. Opal just won the lottery, so she spontaneously decides to buy a flower farm and live on it while making her art. The problem is that Pepper already lives on the farm: her con artist mother sold it out from under her. Now, they’re living together as they figure out a solution. While they’re both neurodivergent (Pepper is autistic, Opal doesn’t have a definitive label), they have very different communication styles: Opal is bubbly and chatty, and Pepper is more guarded and suspicious. This often puts them in conflict, but they also have an undeniable attraction. I appreciated the realistic obstacles to their relationship, and I was rooting for them the whole time. Also, this cover is gorgeous!

Don’t forget to check out The Best Romance Books with Neurodivergent Main Characters for 15 more recommendations for this task!

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