Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer

#weekly librarian feature

How to Support Libraries in Times of Increased Censorship

Libraries are supposed to be a bastion of free speech and discovery, but the book banners are getting more brash. Here's how you can help.

How To Make Inter-Library Loan Really Work for You

Inter-Library Loan is the magical practice of having your home library borrow items from elsewhere. Here's how to optimize it.

You Should Be Taking Advantage of Your Library’s Website

Library websites aren't just for placing holds or paying fines. Here are some things you might not know you can find on your library's site!

Women’s Work, Women’s Words: Feminist Library History

Feminist librarians have fought for recognition through the decades: feminist history and women's library history are intertwined.

I’m Not a Librarian But I Work in a Public Library

People assume everyone who works at a library is a librarian, but most of the staff you’ll interact with at large libraries aren't librarians.

A Brief History of U.S. Presidential Libraries

Brush up on the origins of U.S. presidential libraries as well as how the most recent ones serve the public and help researchers.

Ditch That Book: The Importance of Weeding in Libraries

Weeding is an essential part of maintaining a library collection: getting rid of books improves circulation, even if it's painful to do.

Libraries Are For Everyone (and Everything): 5 Unexpected Items Your Library Will Lend You

Libraries are more than just books! Did you know many libraries will let you borrow musical instruments, tools, seeds, and more?

There’s No Place Like Libraries: A Personal History of Library Use

From school libraries to big city libraries and small town ones, this is one Rioter's journey through the important libraries of her life.

Lockdown Librarian: Ways to Connect to Your Patrons

Here are a few ways one school librarian has been reaching out to students, for possible use and adoption at your library or school.