#indigenous authors

8 New Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Speculative Fiction Books by Indigenous Authors

These new SFF and speculative fiction books by Indigenous authors will take you from a dragon riders' academy to a haunted graveyard.

8 of the Best Indigenous Middle Grade Novels

Eight books can never represent all First Nation communities, but these Indigenous middle grade novels are a great place to start.

20 Must-Read Audiobooks with Indigenous Narrators

These audiobooks with Indigenous narrators have performances that add beautiful, personal flourishes to the stories they're telling.

YA and Middle Grade Native and Indigenous Graphic Novels and Comics

The beautiful art of these Indigenous graphic novels make visual a history and adds to the power of their stories.

22 Must-Read Indigenous Authors

These Indigenous writers are poets, novelists, and memoirists, and write everything from history to sci-fi to fantasy.

8 Fantastic Debut Novels by Indigenous Authors

Many fantastic Indigenous debut novels have been published in the past couple of years. Here are eight to start with.

Indigenous Poets You Should Know

There are simply too many amazing Indigenous poets (North American or otherwise) to capture all on one list, but here is a place to start reading, including Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Diaz.

9 Indigenous and Native American Picture Books to Read Right Now

Read and share these excellent Indigenous and Native picture books in November and well beyond, including Fry Bread.

9 of the Best Books by Native Alaskans and Hawaiians

To celebrate the ties that bind Alaskans and Hawai'ians, here are some of the best books by Native Alaskan and Hawai'ian authors, including The Tao of Raven by Ernestine Hayes and Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen by Queen Liliuokalani.

8 More Indigenous Horror Books to Haunt Your Shelves at Night

Looking for more Indigenous horror books to read? Here are 8 of the best to keep you awake at night, including Mapping the Interior by Stephen Graham Jones. Don't blame us if you can't sleep.