Zatana has found herself in some odd situations over the last five plus decades. Finding herself at 'Mystik U,' however, may be one of the strangest...
Brian Michael Bendis is making the move to DC Comics. Let's imagine some of the books Bendis might write for DC.
Because we just can't get enough of these awesome, crime fighting, Nazi-punching women. Here are some superpowered ladies to get amped about.
There are many bat women--Batwoman, Batgirl, and more. Who are they? Here's part 2 of the series!
There are many bat women--Batwoman, Batgirl, and more. Who are they?
If you love Wonder Woman, you will definitely want to check out her fellow badass women peers from the DC universe.
Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love by Sarah Vaughn and Lan Medina is the queer gothic romance comic we've been waiting for.
Give us more empowering comic book heroines on the big screen. Because we need them.
The Wonder Woman movie has opened the door for future kick-ass female superhero movies. Here's what we'd like to see.