Sparkly and Fun Stickers for Library Lovers
Are you a library lover? It doesn’t matter if that means you’re a librarian or library worker, casual user, or power user, chances are if you love the library, you really LOVE the library. Public libraries in the US are among the only third spaces in the country where you can be and not be expected to pay to utilize the space or its resources (for the most part–you do pay taxes or, if outside a taxing zone, you might need to pay a low annual membership fee). They’re also spaces of intellectual freedom, of access, and of resources that include not only books, databases, and programs, but knowledgeable people. This particular fandom is one that lends itself nicely to showing off, so perhaps you’re in the market for some sweet stickers for library lovers.
Find below a mix of supportive library stickers, library stickers that kindle a sense of nostalgia for old technology, and the kinds of fun, quirky stickers that will get you knowing glances from other library lovers.
‘Tis the season of getting our notebooks, water bottles, planners, and other goods all decorated with stickers and decals because that season happens to be every season. And the library? Well, that’s always in season, too.
Fun, Quirky, and Neat Stickers for Library Lovers

Who remembers these library step stools (or who still has them in their library)? Grab one of these sparkly stickers for $4.

This library might be in colors that differ from most, but it’s packed with light, books, and the welcoming atmosphere you’d expect from one. $4.

You’re damn right you don’t get to tread on libraries. $3.

These are a. some gorgeous books and b. books that know where there is fun to be had. Grab this library sticker for $3+.

If there’s one statement to be shouted from the rooftops, it’s this: libraries are not neutral. They shouldn’t be, and they can’t be, either. $3.

Due date cards in the front of books may be outdated (hahahaha), but they’re never out of style. Check out this sweet sticker. $3.

What do you do with material at the library? That’s right: read return repeat. $12, because this is a set of stickers.

No matter how great the space, the books, or the nostalgic fun, it’s librarians who get the job done (along with all of the rest of the library worker staff, of course!). When in doubt, ask a librarian. $5, and this sticker is ~holographic~.

These library lover stickers have such a fun retro vibe. $3.

Online catalogs have made libraries so much easier and more convenient to navigate, but there will always be a little soft spot in my heart for the physical card catalog. $3.

It’s not an actual book return. It’s a book return sticker that sure looks a lot like the real thing. $4.

So long as it’s safe, this is the best kind of race to have. Can you get to the library first? Grab this bumper sticker for $12.

Speaking of good bumper stickers, how about one that’s straight to the point? $13.

This sticker is the nerdiest one on this list, but if you know, then you know. ILL for life. $4.

Check it out—it’s an old-school due date stamper. $2 and up.

Last but not least, a gentle reminder to read local if you can—and by local, that’s your local library. $3.
Want some more library-themed goods? We’ve got you with a little library Pride, some great library shirts, and even where to find cool library shelves.