How I Sustain My Reading Habit on a Tight Budget
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I’ve had to think about everything I spend money on these days, because I lost my full-time job last summer. I question if I can make my jeans last a little bit longer and analyze every sales ad to save money on my groceries.
My book habit, though, has been one of the hardest parts of my budget decisions.
If you looked around my apartment, you’d question just how many more books I really need. I have piles of books everywhere. There’s the overflowing shelf of “to read” books in my living room. Piles of books fill and surround my nightstand. A pile of books hasn’t yet found a home because I recently purchased them. That’s not to mention the library book pile.
Reading is important to me, especially during stressful times, as it helps ease my anxiety and depression. I also say in order to be a good writer you have to be a good reader. I’m always reading multiple books at once (I’m currently actively reading four books). And there’s just some comfort with the books on my shelves, something I can browse on my own time and read whenever I want.
So I’ve had to find ways to sustain my book addiction during these tight budget times. Some of these suggestions are things I’ve been doing already; I’m just doing it more now.

Use Your Library Card
Your library has tons of books just waiting for you to check them out. If it’s not on your local branch’s shelves, there’s probably an interlibrary loan system that will get you the book in a few days. When I search my library’s catalog, I’m looking at every book in Westchester County and can put a hold on any of them. My library card has gotten more of a workout in recent months than it has in the four years since I moved to my current city. It’s helped with the “I don’t know if I want to read this book” conundrum. I’ve also felt better about abandoning a book when I’ve borrowed it from the library. It might be harder to get your hands on a copy of a book you want to read because you need to borrow it via interlibrary loan. There also may be a waiting list, like when I requested The Library Book (though the wait was shorter than I anticipated). You’re also going to have to read a borrowed book right now as you have limited time with it. New books at my library can only be checked out for 14 days without any renewals. Libraries are important parts of any community for whole assorted reasons. The basic function of a library, though, is to lend books. If you don’t know what book to pick up, the librarians would be happy to give you some recommendations. Plus, you might find some hidden gems that aren’t on the shelf at your local bookstore anymore. Consider adding the Library Extension to your browser for when you’re on Amazon. It’ll let you know when the book you’re about to buy is in your local library.Sell Your Books
I have a rule about visiting The Strand in New York City, the giant independent bookstore where you can lose hours. The bookstore also has a place you can sell your books, and I try to bring several books to sell every time I visit. There are books I know I’ll never read again. Or there are the ones I’ve started and know I’ll never finish. Selling your books is a good way to rid these books from the bookshelf while also putting some cash in your pocket (to spend on more books, of course). The Strand will pay you in cash for your books or give you store credit, which is a higher rate. I usually use the store credit because, let’s be honest, I’m going to buy more books with whatever money they give me. Not every independent bookstore buys back your books, because they already have crowded shelves. Or they may have restrictions. I frequented the Montclair Book Center when I lived in New Jersey, and they only accept larger quantities of books and only by appointment, for example. They offer store credit, too, rather than cash in most cases. There are also a few places online you can sell your books in case you don’t have the option of a local bookstore.