20 Must-Read Horror Short Stories
Horror is a curious sort of genre. Think about it: we voluntarily seek out stories that will make us feel strong negative emotions, and we lavish praise on those stories that scare the crap out of us. A good rule of thumb: it’s a good horror story if you go to sleep that night with your bedside lamp on, and/or have nightmares based on it. But why? Why do we do actively pursue being frightened?
People’s interest in horror is nothing new; on the contrary, it’s as old as humanity itself. As a result, for as long as we have been interested in human behavior, we’ve been interested in this fascination with fear. H.P. Lovecraft nailed it when he said that “the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” Indeed. But I’d venture that it’s not only fear of the unknown. It’s fear of an unknown that we cannot control. Otherwise, stories about magic schools wouldn’t be so beloved: magic is unknown to us, but tales of magic schools offer us the chance to corral it, thus taking away that what makes it frightening.
Because this love of horror is so old, there are countless horror short stories that are worth at least one read. Alas, I have a limited space here, so I’m only going to recommend 20. I chose to mix classic horror short stories with more recent works, in order to paint as varied and comprehensive a picture as possible. If you’re new to the genre, consider using this only as a starting point. If you’re a seasoned veteran, I hope you find at least a couple of stories that will make you burn through your electric bill. Shall we?
General content warnings for rape, murder, misogyny, and more.

“The House Made of Sugar” by Silvina Ocampo in Thus Were Their Faces, translated by Daniel Balderston
Cristina has some superstitions. For example, she never wants to live in a house with a history. But is it really superstition if the ghosts are out to get you?

“Riding the Red” by Nalo Hopkinson in Skin Folk
Little Red Riding Hood, rape culture, internalized misogyny, and puberty, all wrapped up in one tidy package. This story may very well be the scariest thing I’ve read in years.

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson in The Lottery and Other Stories
This is the story that reshaped the way I look at horror: Jackson doesn’t need any supernatural elements to craft a tale as chilling and terrifying as the most accomplished ghost story.

“The Outsider” by H.P. Lovecraft in The Classic Horror Stories
No list of horror short stories would be complete without Lovecraft. Along with Poe, he’s probably the master of horror; and this story, exploring what happens when the monsters aren’t who you’d expect, shows why.

“The Inn” by Mariana Enríquez in Things We Lost in the Fire, translated by Megan McDowell
Enríquez’s work may feature supernatural elements, but their real horror lies in the real, human parts of it. In this story, death doesn’t stop the last dictatorship in Argentina from continuing to spread terror.

“Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers” by Alyssa Wong in Nightmare Magazine, Issue 37
Sometimes, you’re the monster. In this incredible story, Wong explores the implications of having a monster within yourself.

“The Gold Coin” by Clara Madrigano in Nightmare Magazine, Issue 120
The supernatural isn’t, in and of itself, terrifying. But when somebody with less than stellar intentions learns to wield it? That’s when we fall squarely in horror territory.

“Introduction to the Horror Story, Day 1” by Kurt Fawer in Nightmare Magazine, Issue 98
We’ve all likened having to sit through class with a horror story once or twice. Lucky for us, most people don’t mean it as literally as the students of this Introduction to the Horror Story module.

“The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” by Edgar Allan Poe
I know everyone raves about “The Fall of the House of Asher” and “The Tell-Tale Heart,” and they are masterpieces, to be sure. But I read this particular story on a fateful night when I was 12 years old, never touched it again, and I still remember every detail 20 years later. If that doesn’t earn it a spot in this list, well, I don’t know what would.

“Night of the Living Dead Chola” by V. Castro in Mestiza Blood
The thing about horror stories: sometimes you find yourself rooting for the monster. Sometimes, you realize that the real monster isn’t the zombie, but rather the human man that she’s hunting down in pursuit of revenge. Or maybe simple justice.

“The Lake” by Tananarive Due in Ghost Summer
trigger warning: pedophilia
Metamorphosis is a common trope in horror. But unlike most characters, Abbie is delighted by the change — amping the eerie factor up by a million. What makes this story a thousand times creepier though? Abbie’s predilection for teenage boys. Sexual predators are recast as lake creatures in this chilling read.

“Welcome to the Museum of Torture” by Yoko Ogawa in Revenge
The title alone is a masterpiece of the genre. The story itself? Let’s just say that you’ll find yourself praying for a speedy breakup between the narrator and her boyfriend. Preferably in a public place. Far away from the aptly named Museum of Torture.

“The Specter” by Horacio Quiroga in Eleven Horror Short Stories, translated by Joaquin de la Sierra
You know how, in movies, the dead or dying husband gives their blessing when his wife and his best friend fall in love? This is not what happens here. Wyoming is displeased enough to let his wife, Enid, and best friend, Grant, know about it — by sending a message all the way from the grave. Or does he?

“A Girl of Nails and Teeth” by Hannah Yang in Nightmare Magazine, Issue 120
Some of the most terrifying horror I’ve ever read is a mere expansion of real-life phenomena. In this case: what happens when a mother’s love for her child goes too far?

“Born of Man and Woman” by Richard Matheson in The Best of Richard Matheson
Forget vampires and ghosts, there is no creature more terrifying than human beings. In this story, it’s not the child narrator’s apparent monstrosity that creates the horror. It’s his parents’ cruelty.

“The Secret Life of Insects” by Bernardo Esquinca in BOMB Magazine Issue 94 translated by Hector Luis Grada
I’m going to go ahead and let the story’s opening paragraph do the talking this time: “Two things to mention: 1) I am going to speak with my wife, two years after the last time. 2) My wife is dead; she died two years ago, in odd circumstances.”

“The Vampyre” by John William Polidori
Before Dracula and Carmilla, there was The Vampyre. This 1816 short story introduces us to a young Englishman named Aubrey, who befriends a stranger but charismatic man…only to find out that he isn’t what he seems.

“A Ghost” by Guy de Maupassant in The Dark Side: Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, translated by Arnold Kellett
Every time I read this story, I’m left with more questions than answers. A classic ghost story.

“Sometimes Boys Don’t Know” by Donyae Cole in Nightmare Magazine, Issue 106
Have you ever been struck with horror by some male authors’ descriptions of women’s bodies? Cole has too. In her own words: “I just took what they started to its monstrous extremes.” The result is a wonderful horror story with an underlying thread of dark comedy.

“The Sunflower Seed Man” by Priya Sharma in All The Fabulous Beasts
Both a horror story and a tale of grief, resilience and love, this short story taught me a) to be careful what I wish for, and b) that maybe my inability to grow most plants is a good thing after all.
Would you like more horror short stories before you go? What about horror novels?