
COVID-19 Updates from the Bookish World

COVID-19 continues its spread across the world, disrupting every aspect of life, including books and reading. We’re covering the effects of the pandemic on the literary world, and of course, recommending books to read while we’re all practicing social distancing (you are practicing social distancing, right?). This post will automatically update with new COVID-19-relevant content as we publish it. Stay safe, friends, and wash your hands!

How the Pandemic Has Changed Our Reading Lives

Real readers weigh in on how the stress and new routines of the pandemic have changed how much we’re reading—and what we’re choosing to read.

Susie Dumond

Senior Contributor

Susie (she/her) is a queer writer originally from Little Rock, now living in Washington, DC. She is the author of three rom-coms: QUEERLY BELOVED, LOOKING FOR A SIGN, and BED AND BREAKUP, all from Dial Press/Random House. Susie is also a bookseller at her favorite local indie bookstore and a cupcake enthusiast. You can find her on Instagram @susiedoom.