Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


The Problem With #OwnVoices LGBTQ Lit

#Ownvoices recognizes authors who write about their marginalization--but this concept plays out differently between gay, lesbian, bi, and trans books.

Shelving My Queer Classroom Library

A teacher struggles with how to shelve her queer YA books in her classroom library.

Highlighting the Trans Writers Nominated for the 2016 Lambda Literary Awards

A quick and easy guide to the fiction, non-fiction, and poetry titles from trans writers nominated for the 29th Annual Lambda Literary Awards.

A (Semi) Comprehensive Guide to LGBTQ+ Romance

Want to read more LGBTQ+ romance? Start here!

Let’s Talk About STAR-CROSSED: Why We Need Bisexual Kids Books, Backlash or Not

On author Barbara Dee being invited to speak at schools, then told not to discuss her book because it has a girl character who has a crush on another girl.

8 Memoirs From Black Trans Writers

A roundup of memoirs written by Black trans people spanning 1986 to 2014.

5 Books by Queer Women

Books by queer women for International Women's Day!

The Sapphic Fantastic: Lesbian & Bi Women Fantasy Books

Dragons, sword fighting, magic, and women who love women. What could be better?

Queer Shakespeare Roundup

Where the Bard goes queer, and we're in love. A round-up of the best in queer Shakespeare.

LGBTQA Science Fiction and Fantasy YA by #OwnVoices Authors

This is a diverse #OwnVoices list of LGBTQA science fiction and fantasy YA, including books with trans, genderqueer, bisexual, and asexual characters!