Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer



Jess is excited about the upcoming movie about the creator of Wonder Woman and the women in his life. Are you?

Bosom Friends: The Gay Anne of Green Gables Scandal

Anne isn't written to be bisexual, but as art grows older, the way we interact with it changes. Could there really be a gay Anne of Green Gables?

The Queerness of Emma

A reader examines queer themes in Jane Austen's EMMA, and writes on the importance of her Austen reading experience as a young queer girl.

7 Lesbian and Bi Books Written Before THE WELL OF LONELINESS

A French courtesan's tell-all novel, a rich Japanese lesbian author living in the 1920s, and 5 other lesbian and bi books that predate THE WELL OF LONELINESS.

5 Books from the LGBTQ Latin American Bookshelf

A small list of queer classics from Latin American, for PRIDE!

Queerness: 4 Books On a Big Topic

Queerness. What is it? A lifestyle? A movement? A sexual orientation? An offensive term reclaimed? All those and more?

Reading Aromantic and Asexual Representation In(to) Texts

Headcanons, activate!

Passion Fruit: A Queerotica Anthology

Check out Passion Fruit, a queerotica comic anthology by queer creators! Rioter Amanda D. is extremely excited for the launch of its Kickstarter.

Interview with MOONSTRUCK Creators, Grace Ellis & Shae Beagle

Grace Ellis and Shae Beagle talk diversity, getting into comics, and their new work, Moonstruck.

Celebrating Pride and Queer Lit with HIDE

On the importance of LGBTQ representation, complex queer relationships in fiction, and the novel HIDE by Matthew Griffin.