Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


It’s Magic: How Tree Houses and School Buses Have Sparked a Love of Reading

Magic Tree House and the Magic School Bus have sparked a love of reading and of learning in generations of kids. Here's how.

Where to Read Web Novels for Free

Wondering where to read web novels for free? Check out the best places to read web novels online, including Royal Road and others.

Do Spoilers Really Ruin a Story? Or Can They Make You Enjoy It More?

Some readers avoid spoilers at all costs, while others read the last page first. What does the research say about the effect of spoilers?

Why Do We Love Portal Fantasies?

Portal fantasies have been popular since the beginning of the fantasy genre. But why do we love them so much?

It’s About the Journey: What Road Trips Represent in American Literature

Road trips are an American tradition, but in literature, they can act as a physical representation of the emotional arc of a character.

The Rise of the Speculative Novella

Put out by big publishers like Tor and smaller ones like Neon Hemlock, speculative novellas are seeing a resurgence in popularity.

The Bookish Life of Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor has many bookish credits to her name. Here's an exploration of her life in all its book-related glory.

11 Books Every Edgy Millennial Read As A Teen

If you were a teenage edgelord, here are 11 books every edgy Millennial read as a teen that will take you on a walk down memory lane.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About James Baldwin

While there's been a lot written about James Baldwin, many interesting details of his life and career remain unknown by the general public.

Beyond Your Favorite Authors: 5 Fun & Unusual Backlists to Dive Into

Sure, you can read the backlist of an author. But what about the backlist of a cover designer, a translator, or even of a whole indie press?