10+ Bookish Stickers for Your Nostalgic Heart
Bookish stickers never get old. Creative book lovers have covered about every possible angle, making it possible to deck out your notebook, planner, and water bottle—not to mention car bumper!—with bookish stickers that perfectly express your passions.
Perhaps one of my favorite genres of bookish stickers, though, is the ones that go nostalgic. I’m not just talking about the kinds of stickers that lean into excellent books of the past (hello, Goosebumps-themed stickers!). I’m also talking about those related to favorite toys or trinkets or films or TV shows with a bookish flair.
Let’s drive down times gone by lane with these fun, nostalgic bookish stickers.
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Polly Pocket never really went away, despite its biggest period of popularity being the ’80s and ’90s. Relive the classic toy of millennial childhood with this fun Polly Pocket-style library sticker. $4.

I know we can still buy candy hearts (and they are still delicious, thanks!). But something about this classic holiday candy evokes a sense of nostalgia. Perhaps it’s because getting a box of those as a kid was so special. Take that nostalgia up a notch if you love romance with this fun romance trope sticker. $4.50.

My hidden talent? It’s winning these claw machine games. Although it would be VERY DIFFICULT for one of these to pick up a book inside because of the shape and weight of those tomes, I love the idea of a bookish claw machine like this sticker. $3.

Wishbone? You know it. $3.

How I wish we had access to video rental stores again in this age of streaming. Good thing there is the library! For $4, you can snag one of these Blockbuster-inspired library card stickers.

One thing about this bookish sticker inspired by Tamagotchi pets is that you never have to worry about feeding or watering the creature inside. $5.

The memeification of the “Little Miss” characters a few years back was a load of fun, and I kind of wish it hadn’t gone away. Relive the magic of the characters of the “Little Miss” series with this clever take, Little Miss Bookworm. $3+.

There are so many stickers riffing on the nostalgia of the Scholastic Book Fair. This one goes slightly differently, as it’s simply the book fair bookcase. $3+.

Does anyone else get waves of nostalgia when looking at holographic stickers? I do and I know it’s because I had a sticker book full of them growing up. Add a new, fun sparkly to your collection with this Reading Is Magic holographic sticker. $4.50.

Last but not least, bring back mood rings but instead of indicating your mood, have it tell you what you’re in the mood to read. $4.
Want more bookish stickers? I’ve got you covered with stickers for library lovers and some fresh stickers for romance lovers.