Natalie Layne Baker

Natalie Layne Baker's writing has appeared at Audible, Hachette, Book Riot, Submittable, Entropy, Memoir Mixtapes, Howl Round, and Bone & Ink Lit Zine. She currently resides in Philadelphia.

Forging More Mindful Connections to Books

One reader reflects on how the skills they've learned from practicing mindfulness have helped them forge more mindful connections to books.

Publishing Jobs: 4 Hard Truths About Working in the Book Business

In this piece, we explore some of the less-fun aspects of publishing jobs, and attempt to separate the "dream" job from reality.

The Art of Worldbuilding

Worldbuilding is an essential tool in the arsenals of many fiction writers. Check out this write-up on what makes great worldbuilding tick!

Empathy and Redemption for Miss Havisham: A Character Analysis

A Miss Havisham character analysis that explores the character's ambiguous age, past trauma, and various reinterpreations.

Authors Don’t Owe You Books

One reader examines the phenomenon of fans harassing authors online, arriving at the conclusion: authors don't OWE you books.

Announcing the 35th Annual Whiting Award Winners

Announcing the fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and playwriting winners of this year's Whiting Award for emerging writers.

How to Read to a Child

One reader draws from personal experience to give tips on how to read to a child, and making it an enjoyable experience for both child and adult.

Messages Left Behind in Library Books (An Ode)

A reader reflects on the messages left behind in library books at their university library, and how the notes acted as documents of time and place.

Book It! with Pizza Hut Announces Tom Angleberger as Author Partner for Second Year

Tom Angleberger returns as this year's BOOK IT! With Pizza Hut author partner.

7 Prolific Women Authors With More Than 10 Books

A list of prolific women authors who have penned enough books for a deep dive! Check out this primer of women who have written ten or more books.

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