The most unique bookmobiles from around the world utilize everything from bicycles to garbage trucks to spread the love of reading.
Over 400 HUNDRED books, so you can read like Rory Gilmore (or other Gilmore Girls characters). Find your Rory Gilmore reading list here, including books like Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende.
I rate most of the books I read highly, and I rave about books others hate. Am I not being critical enough? Am I reading them right?
Get to know this year's slate of titles honored on the 2023 women's prize longlist.
If you grew up being told to just eat a few almonds or drink water when you're hungry, you might have had an Almond Mom. These books can help.
Want to take part in a good readathon or reading challenge in 2023? Here are some excellent options, including short and long events.
Here are eight science fiction and fantasy new releases I am particularly excited to check out, and I think you should be too!
Whether it’s an essay manifesto like The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go from Here by Hope Jahren calling for action or a fictional dystopia, the best climate change books are not to be missed.
Books are being adapted more than ever before, but what trends will we see coming to screens soon? Here are a few predictions.
Tis the season for witchy reading! Whether you're in the mood for a cozy or a dark thriller, these witchy mysteries and thrillers fit the bill.