So, Horror Baking Books Are A Thing
As I rewatch old seasons of The Great British Baking Show for the seventh (millionth?) time, I find myself especially drawn to the quirkier creations that have become more prominent in recent seasons. And as it is supposedly autumn now (could fool me, it is 90º in Los Angeles and I haven’t left my apartment in months) I find myself wanting those quirky bakes to be just a little scary. I’ve rewatched all of Helena’s episodes, I’ve rewatched all of Kim-Joy’s episodes, I’ve rewatched The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell, and I’ve watched The Halloween Baking Showdown (it’s on Hulu, it’s no GBBO but it’s fine), and I am just desperate enough to consider setting aside the daily sourdough and making my own. Luckily, it turns out that horror baking books are like. A whole thing. Here’s 16 (plus two!) horror baking books that I found for you, just in time for Halloween. (Please note: baking books are historically a very white category, and while this is slowly changing, this list does not reflect the diversity we strive for at Book Riot.)
Horror Baking Books
Cannibal Kitchen: A Horror Lover’s Cookbook by Shannon Rullo
Look, the subtitle says this book is for me, and the cover reinforces it. I haven’t yet dug into the recipes, but with more than 90 I have to assume there’s something in here for everyone.
Deceptive Desserts: A Lady’s Guide to Baking Bad by Christine McConnell
I want to go live with Christine and her animal friends. If you haven’t watched her Netflix series or peeped her Instagram, go now!
Eerie Elegance Eats: A Halloween Cookbook of Creepy Cuisine by Britta Peterson
Judging this book by its cover, this is MY AESTHETIC.
Geek Sweets: An Adventurer’s Guide to the World of Baking Wizardry by Jenny Burgesse
While this one is not all horror-themed, it includes several relevant bakes, all of them based on geeky pop culture including Minecraft, The Walking Dead, and lots more.
Kitchen Overlord’s Dead Delicious Horror Cookbook by Chris-Rachael Oseland and Tom Gordon
Zombie. Themed. Cookbook.
Little Kitchen of Horrors: Hideously Delicious Recipes That Disgust and Delight by Ali Vega
I like the play on Little Shop of Horrors in the title and I love the goofy Halloweeny bakes on the cover. This would be a great book for adults looking for a baking project to work on with kids.
The Monster’s Cookbook: Everyday Recipes for the Living, Dead and Undead by Hoxton Street Monster Supplies
This book’s description—”Featuring such treats as Cubed Earwax, Thickest Human Snot and perennial favorite Chunky Organ Marmalade, this book is full of recipes to suit every vampire, mummy or zombie’s needs”—reads rather like a list of every flavor jellybeans…
The Wicked Baker by Helena Garcia
The book that inspired the list! GBBO favorite Helena aims, in her own words, “to turn what was seen as a tacky and commercial holiday into a sophisticated and spiritual one. […] I find that if you apply a little touch of humor to macabre concepts, the result is an array of opportunity.” I am ALL IN. Teach me your ways.
A Zombie Ate My Cupcake! by Lily Vanilli
I am not a huge fan of cupcakes (I find that the cake to frosting ratio is just never right for my taste) and yet! They are just the most perfect vehicle for cute, quirky, scary decorations! Maybe I will buy this book and start making cupcakes!
Horror Baking Books From Books, Movies, and TV
Feeding Hannibal: A Connoisseur’s Cookbook by Janice Poon
I am too much of a weenie to watch Hannibal, which is ridiculous but here we are. This book, though. It looks elegant and thoughtful as much as it is surely disgusting and aesthetic, just like the show.
The Necronomnomnom: Recipes and Rites from the Lore of H. P. Lovecraft by Red Duke Games, LLC and Mike Slater
This book is inspired by the work of H.P Lovecraft, notable jerk, but it makes me think of the Evil Dead movies, among my earliest favorite horror movies (and certainly better than anything old Howard ever came up with).
The Nightmare Before Dinner: Recipes to Die For: The Beetle House Cookbook by Zach Neil
(Note: an official cookbook, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Party Cookbook, also exists.)
This cookbook is from a Tim Burton–themed restaurant, which is a real thing that exists. (I once went to a Tim Burton–themed pop-up dinner theater club, which was weirdly amazing.)
Supernatural: The Official Cookbook: Burgers, Pies, and Other Bites from the Road by Julie Tremaine and Jessica Torres
I assume this book is full of diner food recipes, as the cover suggests, and I am here for it. If there is one thing I like even more than Halloween, it is diner food.
To Serve Man: A Cookbook for People by Karl Wurf and Jack Bozzi with a forward by Margaret St. Clair
This 1976 spoof book is mostly just silly, but I am including it because 1) it made me laugh, and 2) I have a real soft spot for The Twilight Zone.
True Blood: Eats, Drinks, and Bites from Bon Temps by Gianna Sobol, Alan Ball, and Alex Farnum
Promising 85 recipes from the series, this book could go either way on the food being **actually creepy** but it’s sure to evoke memories of Merlotte’s Bar and Grill, Sookie, and Vampire Bill—and the recipes are supposedly authentically sourced from bayou country.
The Walking Dead: The Official Cookbook and Survival Guide by Lauren Wilson and Yunhee Kim
I truly did not know until I started researching this list just how many TV shows have official cookbooks! Why is The Walking Dead one of them? I have no idea! But why not?!
Bonus Horror Baking Books
Bonus 1: Cooking Price-Wise: A Culinary Legacy by Vincent Price
The recipes in this book are only scary if you consider that many of them were written in the 1960s, when Jello salad was an actual thing people ate. On purpose. However, Vincent Price is the king of horror and I absolutely had to give him a shout-out here. His other cookbooks are A Treasury of Great Recipes (I have and love this book) and Mary and Vincent Price’s Come into the Kitchen Cook Book. This book includes family recipes as well as his own.
Bonus 2: Baking With Kim-Joy: Cute and Creative Bakes to Make You Smile by Kim-Joy
Kim-Joy’s creations are as kawaii as they come, but why shouldn’t Halloween be adorable? And if you’re planning ahead, her new cookbooks is Christmas-themed! (TOO SOON. NOT READY.)