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Comics/Graphic Novels

What’s On Your Pull List? January 13, 2016

Brian McNamara

Staff Writer

Brian McNamara lectures about culture and society to Freshmen across NJ and spends way too much time online. Trekkie, Whovian, Punk, Inadvertent Hipster. Follow his madcap, pop culture adventures on Twitter: @PraxJarvin.

Every week, a different Panelteer will give you a rundown of the comics they’re most looking forward to for the week. Floppies, trades and omnibuses are all fair game here. This week, Brian tells us what’s on his pull list.

art by Alex Ross

art by Alex Ross

Secret Wars #9 by Jonathan Hickman, Esad Ribic & Ive Scorina (Marvel Comics)
Yes, it’s been delayed. And, yes, we’re kind of losing a little bit of the impact because the Marvel Universe has preceded ahead of the finale, but I’m still excited for this issue. I enjoyed the story elements of Secret Wars. It’s the ultimate Doctor Doom story, and in that sense, this book will be more remembered for what it means to Doom and the Fantastic Four then for its role as Crisis on Infinite Earths for Marvel. Esad Ribic has rendered some wonderful work in this book, with beautiful pages and strong sequences. I’ll always remember the opening beats of Secret Wars #2.

art by Mingjue Helen Chen

Gotham Academy #14 by Brendan Fletcher, Dustin Nguyen and more (DC Comics)

A consistently solid read with a fantastic cast of characters and amazing spirit. It utilizes the Batman mythos in new and interesting ways while doing its own thing. There’s really not much else I can say about it. One of my Faves from 2015.

art by Roberto de la Torre

art by Roberto de la Torre

Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #2 by Jen Ven Meter and Roberto de la Torre (Valiant Comics)
The first Doctor Mirage miniseries took me by surprise last year. It was an intriguing, moody supernatural story that with a great art style. This second series pits Dr. Shan Fong-Mirage against sex cults, the undead and the unintended consequences of her quest to save her dead husband.

art by Rachael Stott

art by Rachael Stott

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #3 by George Mann and Emma Vieceli (Titan Comics)

I really like the first issue of this tie-in comic and the second issue kept me in the right mood. I’m excited to see where Eight, Josie and some evil doppelgängers will take us. Great Doctor Who adventures to be had and a good way to get acquainted with the Paul McGann incarnation.

art by Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire

art by Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire

Injection #6 by Warren Ellis, Decland Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire (Image Comics)
High concept story and storytelling that pushes the bounds of Science Fiction. A showcase for two wonderful visual storytellers. Injection is everything great about comics today. It’s inventive and feels fresh. It’s an excellent creative team that you feel works together. It all clicks into place. Just a great read every time it comes along.

art by John Romita Jr.

art by John Romita Jr.

Daredevil Epic Collection: A Touch of Typhoid by Ann Nocenti, John Romita Jr. and more (Marvel Comics)

Ann Nocenti’s run on Daredevil is often cited as being the “lost great run” of the book. Over the years, there have been a few very small collections of Nocenti’s run but nothing substantial. This represents the first major collection that dives into the heart of that run. This particular run is known for John Romita Jr.’s art – extremely well suited to the street level action of Daredevil, the introduction of Typhoid Mary and a showdown with the devil himself, Mephisto. I can’t wait to finally get a deeper sense of this oft-overlooked era of the Daredevil story.

What are you reading this week?