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Comics/Graphic Novels

What’s On Your Pull List? August 24, 2016

Jon Erik Christianson

Staff Writer

In alternate timelines, Jon Erik Christianson is a beloved children's cartoon, a homme fatale supervillain for the Justice League, a professional krumper, an ambassador from Planet [REDACTED], and a sentient carnival balloon. In this timeline, he is a blogger and ghost(writer) who divides his free time between watching YouTubers play Five Nights at Freddy's and staring longingly at his bachelor's degrees in journalism and international relations. He writes for Book Riot Comics and his blog, Honestly Comics, where he most often discusses comic books, feminism, and queer representation. Feel free to talk to him about Buffy the Vampire Slayer; never bring up Glee. Blog: Honestly Comics Twitter: @HonestlyJon

Every week, a different Panelteer will give you a rundown of the comics they’re most looking forward to for the week. Floppies, trades and omnibuses are all fair game here. This week, Jon Erik tells us what’s on his pull list.

Serious dudes and green-haired ladies are apparently the theme for my pull list week. (Last week’s was “bisexual writer,” for the curious.)

3053508-blue-beetle-rebirth-1Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

by Keith Giffen and Scott Kolins

My friends, family members, total strangers, mortal enemies alike all swear by Jaime Reyes. I cannot count the amount of times I’ve been recommended his mid-2000s run. As such, I’ve read the first volume. I liked it solidly enough, but I haven’t had the money to buy further (out of print) volumes and dig into why people love the run so much.

I’m hoping this new series can show me why. And I hope Ted Kord’s presence only serves to benefit Jaime and not steal from his spotlight.

4915636-snotgirl-2Snotgirl #2
by Bryan Lee O’Malley and Leslie Hung

I found the first issue of this series to be profoundly disorienting — though not necessarily in a bad way. Protagonist Lottie Person and her friends are all fascinating, caricatured(?) members of the beauty industry and I’m still trying to figure out if that’s the narrative lens from which readers will be seeing all characters or if it’s just a comment on this particular group. The issue concluded with a bold and off-kilter ending, which I respect.

As I figure this series out, I’m certainly set to enjoy the stunning linework, character acting, and style brought to the table by Leslie Hung.


2501690-detective-comics-939Detective Comics #939
by James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows, and Eber Ferreira

When it comes to ensemble titles, Batman is often terrible at sharing the spotlight. He’s the OP self-insert who still manages to better than everyone, including those with godlike powers. Fortunately, this run of Detective Comics has proven excellent at sharing the love to its stand-out supporting cast, especially to Batwoman.

The series’ first arc has given Kate Kane a significant focus, complete with pages and splash panels evoking a J.H. Williams III-esque art style (he’s the artist most associated with the character). And even when they’re not the focus, Spoiler, Orphan, Red Robin, and Clayface all get their fair due at the least once an issue. It’s a refreshing, character-focused series that I, a cheapskate by circumstance, look forward to buying twice-monthly.

~*Writer’s Note: My Comics Schedule Birds Lied to Me, but Have This Anyways*~

4060815-jem-and-the-holograms-18Jem and the Holograms #18
by Kelly Thompson and Jen Bartel

Without question, Jem and the Holograms has been one of my favorite ongoing series since its debut. Thompson has consistently blended the zany and human in her scripts and the various artists have infused each page with fashionable, femme flair.

This issue marks the second in a two-part breather (read: Stormer gets chased by a bear) between the goth terror Dark Gem arc and the upcoming one featuring new band The Stingers. I’m excited to continue spending downtime with the Holograms and Misfits before another outrageous bunch makes their debut.