Let's face it – being a comics fan can get expensive. Here are six top tips to keep reading when you start to feel the financial pinch.
Jess is continuing in her quest to read all of DC's #1 titles for Rebirth. It's only Week 3 -- is her enthusiasm already flagging?
It's important to not erase the identities of the 49 Latinx LGBTQ+ people who were tragically murdered in Orlando.
Why do stories of representation so often include pain and bigotry, rather than acceptance? Allen reflects with DC Rebirth.
Thomas discusses why it's important to have LGBTQ+ materials in a library collection, and positive and negative responses he's received as a result.
Valentine De Landro is an illustrator, artist, and designer who has been working in comics for years. Here's where to start with his work.
Jess Plummer is back with the second week of DC Rebirth releases. Which ones are new-reader friendly? Which series should you read?
It's the middle of 2016, and Swapna STILL hasn't read these 5 graphic novels that have been on her shelves since 2015. We all need to read them!
Panelteers discuss the best comics they read in May 2016. Get your pens and paper ready! You won't want to miss these.
Megan takes a look at the manga you need to be excited about for summer 2016.