One reader shares thoughts on making time for the joy of rereading old favorites—and the guilt of passing over unread books.
A plan was made, then 2020 happened! One reader checks in on this year's reading goal progress.
With Episode IX being released on December 20th, what better way to prepare for it than a concentrated Star Wars reading challenge?
Sweating your reading goals as 2019 comes to a close? We've got you covered with these excellent short books for the Goodreads Challenge.
Reading challenges are everywhere, but you might not complete them. Here are a few reasons why it's okay to fail your reading challenge.
The #ReadWokeUK Reading Challenge introduces students to UK authors from diverse backgrounds and provides them with a chance to win great books as well!
The British Books Challenge is a great way to read and review authors from Britain and have a chance to win prizes and discuss great books with new people.
50 ideas for trackable, DIY reading challenges. From the serious to the silly, these challenges are sure to enrich your reading life.
Reading challenges that won't stress you out, and that you can take as long to finish as you want!
Bookish stuff to do (other than reading, of course).