Public libraries serve their entire community, but why is it that queer people may be turned off by their own libraries?
A reading list for becoming an informed voter in next month's US Presidential election.
Books to read based on topics brought up in the first presidential election debate of 2016 - terrorism, global economy, race in America, and climate change.
Book recommendations for political cartoon collections.
Feeling political with election season here? You should check out these graphic novels about climate change, the Civil Rights movement, and more.
The House has passed a bill refusing to allow the Library of Congress to update discriminatory subject headings.
Barack Obama saved me from myself. I’d love to say so to Sean Hannity, whose Let Freedom Ring was my ...
On the value of writers who are willing to push the political and social envelope.
Many books have been written among the candidates for 2016's presidential elections. Here's a round-up.