Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


When Your Parent Writes a Memoir

A reader and daughter on how she feels about being in her father's memoir.

30 Of The Best Travel Memoirs for Your Read Harder 2017 Challenge

Travel memoirs for the Read Harder 2017 task!

My Favorite Books about the Writing Life

Here are some of my favorite books about what it's like being a writer.

Out of the Attic: Nonfiction about the Holocaust

Memoirs and nonfiction about the Holocaust to read in the face of rising anti-Semitism and hate crimes.

Lies, Damn Lies, and HILLBILLY ELEGY

After the election, some are calling Hillbilly Elegy a prophecy, but the book's proponents are avoiding the ugly truth about why voters went for Trump.

100 Must-Read Musician Memoirs and Biographies

Looking for musician memoirs and biographies? We got 'em of all shapes, sizes, colors, and genres. A hundred of them, in fact.

Don’t Give Up Until You Drink from the Silver Cup

On one author's choice to pull her book from publication.

Why We Need Young Memoirists

In defense of young people writing memoirs.

Reading Pathways: Augusten Burroughs

Where to start with the work of Augusten Burroughs.

My Secret Shame: Five Fantastic Books I Just Can’t Finish

My secret shame: a handful of excellent books that everyone loves, but I just can't finish.