Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


10 Must-See Amazing Action Figure Photographs

Make your day awesome by scrolling through this amazing action figure photographs that bring superheroes and villains to life.


The GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 trailer is here! Get your eyes on it now!

Finding Hope in “Luke Cage”

When despairing over the U.S. election results, Rioter Melody found how in the Netflix show LUKE CAGE.

We Can’t Wait for Marvel’s Luke Cage

One Rioter reveals his excitement for Marvel's Luke Cage series, and discusses what the character means to him.

One Last Binge-Read with Marvel Unlimited

With one week left in her Marvel Unlimited subscription, one Panelteer binge-read the series she'd been holding off on.

Riri, Miles, and Adolescent Racial Politics in Comics

Allen discusses the racial politics of characters such as Riri and Miles in the Marvel universe.

No Context Given: Leia Kicks Butt

In this week's No Context Given: Leia kicks butt!

Nighthawk is the Black Superhero I’ve Been Waiting For

The importance of Nighthawk, the rare black superhero that tackles issues relevant to the Black American experience.

Should You Read the Next Marvel/DC Event?: A Flow Chart

Wondering whether or not you should read the next Marvel/DC event? We've got a handy dandy flow chart to help.

The Punisher: A Character Primer

We here at Panels are taking some much needed time off; in the meantime, we’re revisiting some favorite old posts ...