Riot Headline Book Riot’s 2025 Read Harder Challenge


Epic Headgear of the Marvel Universe: It’s a Thing and it is Delightful

There are an infinite number of reasons to read comics. One of them is the infinite number of insane headgear incarnations therein. BEHOLD!

“That’s a Stupid Idea and You’re Not Doing It”: How to Fix Marvel

Marvel has made a series of extremely, terribly bad decisions in the last few years. Here's how to fix it.

Comics Cheat Sheet: The Inhuman Royal Family

The Inhuman family tree is more complex than those television spots suggest. Have a cheat sheet. Actually, have a few. Go forth. Dive in.

Why We Need the Inhumans and Why We Always Will

Of the myriad characters who have graced comics, the Inhumans best reflect how far humanity has come and, more importantly, how far we still have to go.

Minor SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Characters We Want More Of

Spider-Man: Homecoming's main cast was a delight but its minor characters also provided some of the most enjoyable moments.

Rawr: BLACK PANTHER Poster & Teaser Trailer Are Here!

The Black Panther poster and teaser trailer are here and is it 2018 yet?!

No, Marvel. We’re Out of Patience.

Don't insult us and then demand that we pay for the privilege, Marvel.

Iron Fist and Slapping the Joker: How Not to Write Strong Female Characters

Iron Fist has many problems. One of them is with its female characters.

Please Stop Talking: A Response to IRON FIST Creator’s Racist Excuses

The creator of IRON FIST had some frustrating things to say about criticisms of the show. We have some things to say in response.

I Am Tired of Saying Goodbye to Good Comics

Maybe Marvel needs to change its marketing strategy for female-centered comics.