#independent bookstores

Shopping Local: A Matter of Can’t, Not Won’t

Rioter Amanda D. expresses her frustration with not being able to shop local at independent bookstores.

Cool Bookish Places: Bart’s Books, The Largest Outdoor Indie Bookstore in the U.S.

Bart's Books is the largest independently owned and operated outdoor bookstore in the U.S. and is well worth the visit.

4 Not-to-Be Missed Bookish Kickstarters

These fascinating book-related Kickstarters support an independent bookstore, an undiscovered photo archive and everyone's favorite time killer: cat videos.

The Thrill of the (Used Bookstore) Hunt

I’m stubborn in life. I’m stubborn with my habits.  I’m just plain stubborn. So of course this would extend to ...

Literary Tourism: Wyoming

Cool bookish places to check out in Wyoming, from quirky bookstores to historic hotels and literary events.

E-Readers Won’t Kill You

I’m a crow eater. “I’ll never join Twitter.” #ididthat “I’ll never wear Uggs.” I have two pairs AND flip flops ...

6 Cool Things Bookstores Do in Addition to Selling Books

Bookstores sell books. We’re all clear on that, right? But lots of stores — the smart ones — are going ...

Bookstore Mash Note: City Lights Books

Whenever I’m asked about my devotion to City Lights bookstore in San Francisco, my reply tends to be something of ...