Take a look at some of the amazing fashions people have worn to visit their local bookmobile!
Give some love to narrative non-fiction, fiction lovers! It's your non-fiction home away from home.
Instead of reading yet another biography of Lincoln or general history of WWII, try these history books.
Rioter Rachel on the value of reading literature in chronological order in order to appreciate historical context.
Book recommendations for books about LGBT history for LGBT History Month.
Because 28 days are not enough, here's a reading guide of black history books for the rest of the year.
My Nonfiction Addiction In 40 Audiobooks
You may have guessed this already but I just miiiight have a tiny obsession with history: talking about it, reading ...
World War II looms larger in many national memories, but now’s not a bad time to have—or develop—a susceptibility to ...
At the King’s Table: Royal Dining Through the Ages by Susanne Groom is what to read while wiping the remains ...