#A Wrinkle In Time

Quiz: How Well Do You Remember A WRINKLE IN TIME?

Are you a fan of Madeleine L'Engle's famous children's sci-fi classic A Wrinkle in Time? Test your knowledge with this A Wrinkle in Time quiz.

How A WRINKLE IN TIME Got Me Through Depression

How one reader found catharsis about growing up and embracing inner strength in both the book and adaptation of A WRINKLE IN TIME.

Quotes from A WRINKLE IN TIME for the Continued #Resistance

If you've been looking for inspiration and empowerment lately, you might find it in these A WRINKLE IN TIME quotes for the resistance.

In Praise of Childhood Favorites That Lose Their Magic

"Why should books that change us so profoundly as children and teens have to do so again when we are adults?"

We Saw the Adaptation of A WRINKLE IN TIME and We Have Some Thoughts

Rioters share their thoughts after watching Ava DuVernay's film adaption of Madeline L'Engle's science fiction classic A WRINKLE IN TIME.

What to Read After You’ve Seen (and Loved) A Wrinkle in Time

You've read the book, and now you've seen the movie! Here's eight of the best books to read after you see A Wrinkle in Time!

A New A WRINKLE IN TIME Trailer is Here!

A new, full-length A WRINKLE IN TIME trailer has been released by Disney UK. Watch it here!

My First Love, Revisited: A Wrinkle in Time

A reader revisits her favorite childhood book, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. The experience was akin to visiting an old and dear friend, who had new things to teach after the years.

Be a Warrior: Watch the New A WRINKLE IN TIME Trailer

Watch the gorgeous new A Wrinkle in Time trailer, starring Mindy Kaling, Reese Witherspoon, and Oprah Winfrey! #BeAWarrior

A Wrinkle in Time’s Teaser Trailer Is Here!

What do you think of the first trailer for A Wrinkle in Time?

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