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Sites We Like: The Literary Cemetery

Amanda Nelson

Staff Writer

Amanda Nelson is an Executive Director of Book Riot. She lives in Richmond, VA.

It is one of my great regrets in life that I didn’t find this site in time for Halloween. Alas, better late than never- may I introduce you to The Literary Cemetery, a collection of information about the deaths of famous authors.

Each entry includes date of death, cause of death, location of the burial site, and some biographical information about the author. There are also photos of the graves, if available. Ever wondered where Truman Capote’s ashes are scattered? Curious about how Roald Dahl passed away (myelodysplastic syndrome)? Wondering where Laura Ingalls Wilder is buried? The Literary Cemetery will tell you.

You can search by the author’s last name, awards they’ve won, cause of death, genre, burial location, nationality, and year of death. There is also a section of the site for authors whose final resting place is unknown.