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Sites We Like: Contrariwise–Literary Tattoos

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the executive director of product and ecommerce at Riot New Media Group. She co-hosts All the Books! and the Book Riot Podcast. Follow her on Twitter: @rebeccaschinsky.

We readers talk a lot about how the books we read become part of us, and we can probably all point to an image that’s lingered us with long after we closed the covers, or quote a line that has written itself indelibly into our memories. The readers that Contrariwise: Literary Tattoos features have gone one better and written them onto their bodies. Forever. That’s a pretty beautiful display of how powerfully books affect our lives.

Here at Book Riot, we’re fans of fanhood in all its many manifestations, and we think that if literary tattoos are awesome (no question there), a site devoted to celebrating them is awesome and then some. So check it!

Contrariwise is genre-, era-, and author-agnostic. There are tattoos that refer to the Bard:


And there’s ink for Emily Dickinson.


The Little Prince is popular…


As is everyone’s favorite Boy Wizard.


Some readers burn for Bradbury.


Others prefer Prufrock.


And a whole hell of a lot of ’em love Vonnegut. So it goes… 


As if this weren’t enough, they’ve also featured our own Liberty Hardy and her Vonnegut tribute.


Rioter Amanda has written about her literary tattoos, and Rachel has an infamous semicolon on the back of her neck. I’m planning to make a permanent commitment to a Bradbury quote this fall. Do you have any literary tattoos? We’d love to hear about ’em, and we think it’d be rad if you’d submit them to Contrariwise so the whole literary interweb can enjoy them.