9 Romance Authors to Follow on Pinterest
I’m a Pinterest fan. Whether looking for recipes or travel tips, Pinterest seems to be my go-to site for all sorts of random inquiries. I also use Pinterest to supplement my romance reading obsession. I especially like to look at author inspiration boards for specific characters and books. Sometimes just seeing exactly how a Regency and a Victorian gown differ, or specific hue of a character’s hair, makes all the difference when trying to get a book to snap into focus for me.
The authors I follow diligently on Pinterest, though, use the site for more than just writing inspiration. They pin recipes, gift ideas, and funny memes. Even more so than other social networking sites, Pinterest is the place where authors become “real people” for me.
Unfortunately, sometimes an author seems to throw up an inspiration board for the sake of doing so or because they were told they should have a presence on the site. That’s just not my cup of tea. If I’m going to follow an author on Pinterest, I want to be inspired by their picks and their overall vision. Below are a few romance author accounts that I enjoy following.
Megan Crane & Caitlin Crews
The motherload of individual book inspiration boards and future inspiration pics.
Megan Erickson
If you want to relive Zero Hour and Darkest Night over and over again, try Erickson’s hacker board.
Shana Galen
Recipes, book inspiration, and the loveliest Flynn Ryder board I’ve ever come across.
Evangeline Holland
Super informative fashion boards for every decade from the 1880s to the 1930s.
Sarah MacLean
Pretty sure I’ve repinned almost everything on her “I Will Eat You” and “Inspire Me” boards.
Nana Malone
Truly enviable hero, heroine, and home inspiration boards.
Katee Robert
All of her book inspiration is pretty darn captivating but the board for an upcoming release, The Fearless King, is drop-dead gorgeous.
Reese Ryan
Ryan pairs up specific characters and books with songs and I am so here for it.
Lizbeth Selvig
Her cowboy inspiration pics for Betting on Paradise make me want to quit my job, move west, and set up a wedding redo.
I get that Pinterest isn’t for everyone and that authors can’t possibly keep up with each and every social networking site. For those authors that do invest time in on visual inspiration boards, though, I love getting to see a book through their eyes.
What romance authors did I miss? Are there any other author accounts I should follow on Pinterest? Let me know in the comments!