Riot Recommendation: What Are the Best YA Books About Teen Royals?
Do you remember that moment in The Princess Diaries where Mia becomes almost magically transformed into a princess? Long after the Disney princess days, there’s something so enthralling about the idea of suddenly finding yourself a teen royal. Maybe it’s because being a teenager is a time where you want to acquire more power over your own life — and what could be more powerful than being in line to command a whole country?
So we want to know: what do you think are the best YA books about teen royals? Whether they find themselves suddenly on a throne or have been preparing for the moment their whole lives, tell us which books you love that star teenage royalty! Come recommend them to us on Facebook and Twitter, then we’ll round up your answers and be back next week to share a roundup with your fellow Riot readers. Until then, I’ll be polishing my tiara.