Comics/Graphic Novels

20 Gorgeous ONE PIECE Tattoos To Inspire Your Ink

Are you considering One Piece tattoos for your next ink session? Tattoos are amazing, but it’s sometimes a bit tricky to figure out what exactly it is you want. If you’re unfamiliar with One Piece, it tells the story of Monkey D. Luffy. Monkey’s a boy who got some interesting powers after eating a piece of fruit. It also focuses on  the group of pirates he travels with as they all hunt down a treasure, the “One Piece.” It’s a long-running series (over 90 volumes) with the first volume published in 1997. It’s super popular.  Almost every person I know who likes manga and/or anime knows about One Piece, even if they’re not a fan. It’s not surprising that it’s so popular. It has a fun storyline and lovable characters. Also, its colorful and lively style makes it a perfect candidate for tattoos. If you’re a One Piece fan looking for tattoo inspiration, here are a few One Piece tattoos I’ve found.


Monkey D. Luffy

Panel Style

Show Symbols
Want even more One Piece in your life? We’ve rounded up some of the best manga like One Piece for your to-read pile.