20 Gorgeous ONE PIECE Tattoos To Inspire Your Ink
Are you considering One Piece tattoos for your next ink session? Tattoos are amazing, but it’s sometimes a bit tricky to figure out what exactly it is you want. If you’re unfamiliar with One Piece, it tells the story of Monkey D. Luffy. Monkey’s a boy who got some interesting powers after eating a piece of fruit. It also focuses on the group of pirates he travels with as they all hunt down a treasure, the “One Piece.” It’s a long-running series (over 90 volumes) with the first volume published in 1997. It’s super popular.
Almost every person I know who likes manga and/or anime knows about One Piece, even if they’re not a fan. It’s not surprising that it’s so popular. It has a fun storyline and lovable characters. Also, its colorful and lively style makes it a perfect candidate for tattoos.
If you’re a One Piece fan looking for tattoo inspiration, here are a few One Piece tattoos I’ve found.
Want even more One Piece in your life? We’ve rounded up some of the best manga like One Piece for your to-read pile.
https://www.instagram.com/p/B3l63TdCoOZ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkMonkey D. Luffy
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Want even more One Piece in your life? We’ve rounded up some of the best manga like One Piece for your to-read pile.