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The Goods

Must-Have Summer Reading Accessories From Etsy

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Adiba Jaigirdar

Staff Writer

Adiba Jaigirdar is an Irish-Bangladeshi writer, poet, and teacher. She resides in Dublin, Ireland and has an MA in postcolonial studies. She is currently working on her own postcolonial novel and hopes that someday it will see the light of day outside of her computer screen. Twitter: @adiba_j

There is nothing quite like reading during the summer. Whether it’s in the comfort of your own home, outside while travelling, or on the beach during the perfect summer day, relaxing with a book in the beautiful summer sunshine is just another experience altogether. But summer reading can be made even better when you have the perfect reading accessories to go along with the perfect books. Here are a few must-have reading accessories to make your summer reading life the best it can be:

A woman holding up a tote bag. Tote bag is light purple in colour, includes a colourful image of a town and its buildings, and in colourful letter says "meet at book lovers lane" on top of the image.

Obviously, everyone needs a cute tote bag to carry around all the book you’re going to read this summer. You can’t go wrong with this adorable Meet Me At Book Lovers Lane Tote. $14

A tote bag with books peeking out rests on a gray background. The tote is light brown in colour and has an image of many books side-by-side and stacked up with a flower vase in the middle. Below, it reads: Too many books? Or not enough bookshelves?

Alternatively, another perfect tote bag to bring your books around with you this summer is this Too Many Books Or Not Enough Bookshelves Tote! $21.78

A colourful book sleeve with a white background and a pattern of fruits with happy facial expressions (strawberries, pineapples, watermelonds, etc).

Nothing says summer like this fun and colourful book sleeve to slip your books into! $13

A book sleeve with a book and kindle peeking out. The book sleeve is light green with yellow, blue, and white flower patterns.

You can’t go wrong with this gorgeous floral book sleeve perfect for hardbacks, paperbacks, and even your kindle. $16.70

White, pink, and green gradient water bottles with road signs containing places from Jane Austen novels on them

You definitely want to stay hydrated while doing all your summer reading, so these are the perfect water bottle for Jane Austen fans. $20.33

A white water bottle with a library card image in the middle. At the top it reads Due Date, and there are stamped dates underneath like a library card

Check out this amazing Library Card water bottle! $27.99

A person holding a tumble in their hands. The tumbler is green with a pattern of leaves, swords, backbacks, and weapons.

As you go on all your literary adventures this summer, you can bring along this adorable Going On An Adventure Tumbler. $26

You definitely want to keep track of all of your reading this summer, and here’s the perfect travel size reading log to help you do that! $6.50

Another fun travel size journal to help log all your reading this summer, this one with so many fun illustrations on the inside! $6

If you’re out and about this summer, you definitely don’t want to miss out on this cute but convenient bookmark, which helps you keep track of your TBR while you’re reading! $2.83

Nothing quite says summer like these bright and colourful pineapple themed magnetic bookmarks! $5.75

If you’re at the beach this summer, you don’t want to miss out on this fun comic book beach blanket! $36.99

If you’re reading outside on your Kindle this summer, you definitely want a cute floral pattern Kindle case to go along with that! $43.54

Now that your summer reading accessories are set, pop these summer must-reads and 2021 must-read beach reads into your tote of choice.