
March 2023 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations

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Welcome to Book Riot’s March 2023 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations! As we tiptoe into the spring season, new books are blossoming onto shelves. Which one is destined to be your favorite? Ask the stars! Check out your horoscope for the month ahead, along with a book recommendation perfect for your sign.

Get ready for the spring equinox on March 20, a day with an even divide of sunlight and darkness. Astrologically speaking, it’s a time for balance and renewal. Take some time to think about what brings you balance in your life and what’s throwing off your equilibrium. It’s also a great opportunity for goal setting for the next few months.

Planetary movements this month will have impacts for months and years to come. Saturn enters Pisces on the 7th, where it will stay for over two years. This will push all signs to do some internal work and take mental and emotional health more seriously. And later this month, Pluto will take a three-month preview trip into Aquarius, where, after a six-month retrograde, it will spend the next two decades. March through June will be a taste of the years ahead, where forward-thinking technological advances will reshape our society. Whether those advances will be in the direction of evolution or revolution remains to be seen.

March 2023 Horoscopes and Book Recommendations

Note: Book release dates may have shifted between the writing and publication of this article.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

cover of Tremors in the Blood

Tremors in the Blood: Murder, Obsession and the Birth of the Lie Detector by Amit Katwala (March 7, Crooked Lane Books)

Business is booming, Aries. High energy levels are giving you that charging ram power to knock your goals out of the park. Your career and finances are finally rolling at the pace you’ve been trying to achieve since the beginning of the year. But personal relationships may take a hit while your attention is elsewhere. If you’re looking for love in March, you’ll need to intentionally make it a priority. I recommend Tremors in the Blood by Amit Katwala. In the early 20th century, an unlikely team including a police chief, a detective, and a teenage magician invented the lie detector test. In this true crime book, Amit Katwala explores how the device came to be, the early murders it was used to investigate, and how the new technology quickly spun out of its creators’ control.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

cover of Pineapple Street

Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson (March 7, Pamela Dorman Books)

You’re headed in the right direction, Taurus. March is full of good vibes for you, especially where relationships are concerned. Even though you love your alone time, social interactions will be rewarding for you this month. You and colleagues are working in harmony, family time is blissful, and romance is in the cards. Try an unexpected new activity with your significant other for deeper connection. Read Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson. Members of the extremely wealthy Stockton family must follow many complicated rules and traditions. Darley chose to trade in her family wealth rather than have her husband sign a pre-nup, and now she’s questioning her decision to trade in her career to raise kids on a budget. Sasha married into the Stocktons and is wondering if she’ll ever fit in. Georgiana has fallen for someone completely wrong for her, forcing her to confront her family’s expectations and who she wants to be.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

cover of Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto; illustration of an old Asian woman peeking through window blinds

Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto (March 14, Berkley Books)

Slow and steady wins the race, Gemini. You can struggle with focusing on one project, but that’s the only way to find success in March. Splitting your attention will doom you to fail, as will closing yourself off from other people. Make a decision, stick to it, and ask for support. The going will still be tough, but a business trip may be just what you need to get things on track. You should read Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto. Vera lives a quiet life in San Francisco in a small apartment above her Chinatown tea shop. But then she finds a dead body in her shop — and a mysterious flash drive she feels compelled to take before the police arrive. Vera is convinced the killer is one of her customers, and she can find out which one between observation and the flash drive. But her investigation is complicated by how quickly she grows attached to her quirky and endearing regulars.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

cover of Now You See Us

Now You See Us by Balli Kaur Jaswal (March 7, William Morrow)

Consider other perspectives, Cancer. Your emotional IQ is your superpower. When you face challenges in March, think about how other people’s emotions are shaping your situation. Being aware of that influence can help you move forward, but be careful not to use your intuition to manipulate those around you. If they notice, it can move you away from your goals instead of forward. I recommend Now You See Us by Balli Kaur Jaswal. This novel looks at the affluent nation of Singapore through the eyes of three Filipina domestic workers. Donita is very young and recently arrived in Singapore; Angel is worried about being replaced as the caregiver to her elderly boss; and Corazon said she’d permanently retired to the Philippines, but is now back for secretive reasons. When the island is set abuzz with the story of a Filipina maid who murdered her employer, the three women are determined to find out what really happened.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

cover of Black Chameleon

Black Chameleon: Memory, Womanhood, and Myth by Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton (March 7, Henry Holt & Co.)

You’ve got big ideas, Leo. March finds you brimming with creativity. If you’ve got an artsy career or hobby, you’re in for great success. But thinking outside the box can also benefit you across the board. You’ll find new ways to approach professional challenges, and mixing things up in a romantic relationship can take you to new heights. Save money creatively too, because finances might be tight. Check out Black Chameleon by Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton. Mouton grew up searching for role models both real and fantastical that looked like her. In this poetic and lyrical memoir, Mouton celebrates Black womanhood, from growing up to raising her daughter, while also powerfully incorporating mythologies from around the world that have shaped her.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

cover of mimicking of known successes

The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older (March 7, Tordotcom)

What’s your gut instinct, Virgo? Trouble lies ahead this month, and you know how to watch for the signs. Prepare backup plans so you can stay nimble if your path forward is blocked. Tests or exams may not go in your favor, so delay them if possible. In love, it may be time for a difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding. If it feels like everyone is against you, look to your family for support. You should read The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older. In a distant future where Earth is no longer hospitable, humanity has moved to another planet. One scientist working to restore Earth goes missing, presumed dead. Fellow researcher Pleiti leads the search, along with an investigator who also happens to be her former classmate and past lover.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

cover of River Spirit

River Spirit by Leila Aboulela (March 7, Grove Atlantic)

Embrace the uncertainty, Libra. A lot of things are up in the air for you in March. That will cause you plenty of frustrations. But there’s room for growth amidst the chaos, too. An opportunity for a big change is ahead of you, particularly in your career. But don’t let disagreements with colleagues push you to make a decision out of anger. Big moves should align with your personal priorities. This month, read River Spirit by Leila Aboulela. In late 19th century Sudan, a village raid leaves Akuany and her brother Bol orphaned. They’re taken in by a friend of their father’s, a merchant and Qur’an scholar. But with the Ottoman and British Empire fighting for control of Sudan and a young revolutionary claiming to be a prophesied Islamic leader, Akuany must come of age amid constantly changing circumstances.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

cover image by What Happened to Ruthy Ramirez

What Happened to Ruthy Ramirez by Claire Jiménez (March 7, Grand Central Publishing)

It’s not too late for a fresh start, Scorpio. We may be three months into 2023, but the planets are giving you a chance for renewal. Now is the time to socialize and meet new people. Unique perspectives and unexpected connections can put you on the path to where you’re meant to be. Romance is ahead too, whether by meeting a new partner or a refresh with an old one. Read What Happened to Ruthy Ramirez by Claire Jiménez. The Ramirezes, a Puerto Rican family on Staten Island, were rocked by the disappearance of middle daughter Ruthy 15 years ago. When older sister Jessica spots a young woman on a reality TV show who she thinks is Ruthy, she convinces her youngest sister Nina to join her on a trip to confront her. But when her mother — and her mother’s nosy best friend—insist on coming along too, it turns into a strange family road trip that forces them to reconcile their past with their future.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

cover of The Last Beekeeper

The Last Beekeeper by Julie Carrick Dalton (March 7, Forge Books)

Stop to enjoy the flowers, Sagittarius. Beauty is all around you in March. It can be inspiring and restorative, especially while you’re experiencing relationship and career stress. The planets want to remind you that the little things are important in your life. A lot of travel is ahead for you this month. Your journeys may provide answers in unexpected ways, so consider taking the scenic route. Check out The Last Beekeeper by Julie Carrick Dalton. In a dystopian future where bees have disappeared, the daughter of an incarcerated former beekeeper is determined to return to her family’s farm and find his hidden research. When she arrives, she finds a group of young squatters who gradually become found family. She also sees something that might change the world: an impossibly alive honeybee that might be the key to unlocking her father’s secrets.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

cover of Rootless

Rootless by Krystle Zara Appiah (March 7, Ballantine Books)

You’re at a crossroads, Capricorn. March will require you to make some difficult decisions. This may cause stress, but it’s also a big opportunity to put yourself on the right path. What do you really want out of the rest of the year? Let that be your guide. Education is your strength this month, so it might be time to learn a new skill, enroll in a course, or share your knowledge with others. You should read Rootless by Krystle Zara Appiah. From the outside, college sweethearts Efe and Sam are the perfect couple. But ten years into their relationship, an unplanned pregnancy unearths cracks in their marriage. Then one day, Sam returns home to find money missing from their shared bank account and their toddler wondering where mommy went.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

cover of The God of Endings

The God of Endings by Jacqueline Holland (March 7, Flatiron Books)

Stretch your wings, Aquarius. The planets are granting you great freedom this month. Nothing can get in your way — or if it can, it won’t stay there long. Now is the time to make big strides toward your dreams. Love is also strong in March, especially with romantic partners who support your creative vision. Finding balance is the key to keeping things moving in the right direction. I recommend The God of Endings by Jacqueline Holland. Collette is an artist who teaches at an elite French language elementary school in upstate New York. Her youthful appearance makes it hard to believe she’s been alive for over a century, ever since her grandfather turned her immortal against her will. Collette’s past haunts her when she meets a bright but neglected child with a difficult family.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

cover of Undercooked

Undercooked: How I Let Food Become My Life Navigator and How Maybe That’s a Dumb Way to Live by Dan Ahdoot (March 21, Crown Publishing Group)

Keep your feet on the ground, Pisces. March demands that you be realistic and focused. Saturn moving into your sign will help your clear-headed reliability shine. It will also give you a boost in your career. This is a great month for knocking out a to-do list, but you won’t find much creativity or interest in ethereal matters. In romance, it may be time for a serious conversation about what you want. Check out Undercooked by Dan Ahdoot. Ahdoot is a comedian, actor, podcast host, and a huge fan of good food. In this memoir, he looks at the things his love of food have led him to do, both good and bad. From unfortunate career moves to hunting and cooking with wild game, it’s a hilarious adventure with surprisingly contemplative moments.

Thanks for joining us for your March 2023 horoscopes and book recommendations! Looking for more books you’ll love based on your sign? Check out your December, January, and February horoscopes and book recommendations!