Louis CK Reading CATCHER IN THE RYE (Can someone please make this happen?)
The other day I was flipping through Catcher in the Rye, and after a few pages I realized that the narrator in my head was Louis CK. Which, as I kept reading, turned out to be kind of perfect.
So, what do you say, universe? Can someone please arrange for an audio version of Catcher in the Rye as read by Louis CK? Or, maybe a special Andy Kaufman-esque performance where instead of doing his act, Louis CK just reads Salinger?
I mean, the man has even listed Catcher in the Rye as one of his favorite books, so this shouldn’t be that hard, right? Please? Somebody?
I’ll be here waiting to hear from you. Until then, I guess this will have to do… Louis CK: In the Rye.