SFF Yeah!

SFF Yeah! is a biweekly fantasy and science fiction podcast dedicated to the latest happenings and our favorite recommendations from the worlds of science fiction and fantasy.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, Revisited

Sharifah and Jenn are reunited and talking all things H2G2, as well as alien corpses in Mexico, Iman Vellani doing all the Ms. Marvel things, Le Guin short films, and more.

Backlist To The Future, With Nonfiction

This week, Jenn talks about some nonfiction reads that have changed the way she approaches SF/F!

Fall Vibes

Jenn and Vanessa roll around in Fall Feelings, talk about what that means anyway in SF/F, plus news about Scott Pilgrim, Loki Season 2, and more.

Backlist To The Future, with Rich People Problems

Sharifah dives into "rich people problems" in SF/F, with two favorites.

Guest Post: The One With All The Witches with Liberty Hardy

Jenn and Sharifah are off this week, so please enjoy this When in Romance episode about witch romances and more, with Jess Pryde and Liberty Hardy.

Backlist To The Future, With Stellar Recommendations

This week, Jenn talks about two SF/F books that she read because someone else strongly recommended them.

Cover Talk

Sharifah and Jenn talk about Octavia Butler Avenue, a new crime series from Marvel, cover trends and tropes in SF/F, and more.

Backlist To The Future: Guess That Title

This week, Sharifah is playing guess that backlist SFF book!

The Most Anticipated SFF Books of 2023, Part 2

Sharifah and Jenn discuss the Ursula K. Le Guin Prize Shortlist, a new way to doomscroll, The Changeling adaptation, the most exciting books of the second half of 2023, and more.

Backlist To The Future, With Older Series

In which Jenn talks about two older series that she's reading and loving this summer.

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