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Jenn and Liberty discuss cozy mysteries, books set in Malaysia, readalikes for Amélie and more in this week's episode of Get Booked.
This episode is sponsored by Upgrade Soul by Ezra Claytan Daniels and Merci Suarez Changes Gears by Meg Medina.
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1. I really love the Aubrey/Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian, I love their feel. Maybe you could recommend something with a similar feel? Friendship and a great cast of characters, and not just action but also domestic things and hobbies and maybe some gentle humour.
I would also love to find a book with a badass character such as the main protagonist of the Imperial Radch series by Ann Leckie.
2. Hello there! I have recently been picking up a few cozy mysteries and I'm finding that I really enjoy the idea of these murder mysteries where nothing truly terrible happens (aside from the murder). I was wondering though, do you have any recommendations for cozies that have younger protagonists? I picked up Death by Dumpling on Liberty's recommendation on her show, and really liked it! Bonus points if it's bookish!
tldr; cozy mysteries with protags in their 20s or so?
Thank you so much! I love the show!
3. Hello,
I am a photographer and will be traveling to Kuala Lumpur for a photo festival in October. I would love to find some good books based in Malaysia to read prior to and during my trip. I usually read fiction, but I love nonfiction as well; especially Bill Bryson-esque travel writing. I am not very picky about what I read, but would prefer something that isn't too much of a "love story". My favorites range from Harry Potter to The Martian to Fahrenheit 451, so fantasy/sci-fi/magical realism are definitely up my alley, but I love a good mystery or realistic drama also. I know Malaysia is a fairly small country, so I will also accept books based in Singapore, Thailand, or the other small Asian countries surrounding Malaysia, but Malaysia based books would be preferred.
Thank you!
4. One of my favorite movies is Amélie. I was wondering if you two know of any similar books? I don't need or even necessarily want the book to have the same kind of plot, but I'm more interested in the atmospheric quirkiness that Amélie captures so perfectly. Bonus points of the books is in France because I'm a bit of a francophile, but location doesn't actually matter all that much to me.
5. Hi, I'm a long time listener, first time question-asker. I regularly pause to download kindle samples or go ahead and buy the book 🙂
I am looking for chapter books/longer pictures books to read to my 3 year old son. (I am part way through listening to the early kid recommendation episode.) My husband read the Hobbit aloud and when Toby asked for a reread he essentially wanted the scenes where they were eating dinner (ie less scary things). We recently read and enjoyed the Mrs Noodlekugel series, we read the Thomas and Friends original books/stories, and we are currently in our Cars phase. (we have not yet read the Princess in Black series). I have the Wild Robot from the library but am thinking of pre-reading some to see if that's right. He has a decent attention span but after the Hobbit I want to make sure we're more level appropriate.
Thank you!
6. Hello Ladies!
Thank you so much for doing this podcast-l have read so many new books because of your recommendations.
I'm looking for new books for my husband. He's enjoyed The Radium Girls by Kate Moore, Packing for Mars by Mary Roach, and various YA non-fiction titles like Red Bandana and books on Jack London. His reading time is limited so shorter books that aren't too dense would be ideal. He likes history, adventure, and booze. Any recs would be greatly appreciated.
If you have time, my son is 9 and will only read graphic novels. He loves Doug TenNapel and Dav Pilkey. Any other age appropriate authors we could binge read? He's read Amulet and Bone and enjoyed both.
Thank you so much for your time. I love your show and can't wait to hear what you come up with!
7. Hello,
I am looking for books, fiction or nonfiction, to learn more about the trans community and gender fluidity. I hope I'm not coming across as rude or offensive; I am just not trans or gender fluid myself, and so don't know much about either of these communities. Nonfiction explaining the science of the transition process or the ideas of gender would be great; I'd also be interested in a memoir of someone who has transitioned or experiences gender fluidity. I'm open for whatever fiction you'd suggest as well. Thanks!
Books Discussed
How Long Til Black Future Month? by N.K. Jemisin
Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James
All Systems Red (Murderbot #1) by Martha Wells
Bannerless by Carrie Vaughn
Homicide in Hardcover by Kate Carlisle
A Trifle Dead by Livia Day
The Garden of Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng
Evening is the Whole Day by Preeta Samarasan (trigger warning: child abuse)
The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery, translated by Alison Anderson (tw: suicidal ideation)
Redemption in Indigo by Karen Lord
Knights vs Dinosaurs by Matt Phelan
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
The Poisoner’s Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah Blum
Astronaut Academy by Dave Roman
Being Jazz: My Life as a Transgender Teen by Jazz Jennings
Redefining Realness by Janet Mock (trigger warning: child abuse)