Guest Post: The One With All The Witches with Liberty Hardy

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Jenn and Sharifah are off this week, so please enjoy this When in Romance episode about witch romances and more, with Jess Pryde and Liberty Hardy.

Jess is joined by Book Riot's resident velocireader, Liberty Hardy, who listens patiently while Jess discusses news and then actually gets the chance to talk when the pair discuss witch romances (with many detours along the way).

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When In Romance Book Club is back! We'll be reading The Perfect Find by Tia Williams AND discussing the adaptation on Netflix, and discussing it at the end of September.

Check out Tailored Book Recommendations!

The Seattle Times does a good rundown on the BookTok/Kraken drama.

Here's Marines's video on TikTok.

Strength, solidarity, and healing vibes to Emily McIntyre.

Visit A Novel Romance if you're in Louisville!

Find Jess at Steamy Lit Con!

Books Discussed

The Bad Ones by Melissa Albert

Snow Place Like LA by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone

Crossed by Emily McIntyre

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna

Not the Witch You Wed by April Asher

The League of Gentlewoman Witches by India Holton

Binding Shadows by Jasmine Silvera

Let us know what you think about witch romances and tell us your favorite! As always, you can find Jess and Trisha at the WIR email address ( You can also find us on Instagram (@jess_is_reading and @franzencomesalive), and Jess is even on TikTok (@jess_isreading).