African SF/F
Sharifah and Jenn discuss further awards news, including the gender breakdown of Hugo winners, African SF/F, and more.
This episode is sponsored by our Mystery/Thriller Giveaway, the audiobook edition of The Future of Another Timeline by Annalee Newitz, and Loki: Where Mischief Lies, written by Mackenzi Lee, read by Oliver Wyman.
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Follow-up: The Tiptree Award is getting renamed after all.
Follow-up: Elsa Sjunneson-Henry is the first blind woman to win a Hugo.
Gender and the Hugo Awards, by the Numbers (and companion Twitter thread)
Fonda Lee to write for Marvel!
The Watch Update: non-binary rep!
Books Discussed
"The Broken Nose" by Mame Diene (read it on Omenana)
"What If I Fall" by Anne Dafeta (read it on Omenana)
"Skinned" by Lesley Nneka Arimah (read it on McSweeney's)
Rosewater by Tade Thompson
"Tatashe" by Cassandra Mark and Tobe Max Ezeogu
Shuri by Nnedi Okorafor and Leonardo Romero