Culturally Relevant

How to Identify Credible Sources—A Skill More Crucial Than Ever: Book Censorship News, March 7, 2025

Ensuring that information being shared is coming from a valid and reliable source has always been crucial. But for many, this hasn’t been especially important for a variety of factors—it’s easy to believe what’s posted if the person posting is one you generally trust; some information being shared feels intuitive and thus is likely not wrong (or if it is wrong, it won’t cause actual harm); media literacy skills are generally not a cultural strong suit; and, frankly, not caring for any number of reasons.

But in an era where our information is continuing to be skewed by those with power, it is well beyond time to begin asking questions about the information you’re reading. We know that we can no longer rely on some of the basic media literacy skills once taught. Websites with a .gov address after them are no longer going to provide the breadth and depth of information they once did. With one executive order, any and all history related to trans people in America has been erased.

Turning to the 5Ws, 1H, and TOADSRIG, as outlined in this piece, can be helpful tools for navigating information you’re presented. But how do you begin to even assess whether the information is worth assessing? You have to begin with the source of that information.

It’s your responsibility to explore whether information is reliable and whether it is valid. These are two separate, but related, concepts. Reliability is about consistency. With information, reliability applies to whether what you’re reading is consistent across sources. There will certainly be differences in slant, but at heart, the information being shared is the same from outlet to outlet. Validity is about accuracy. With information, validity is about where something falls on the spectrum of fact to fiction.

Here’s an example.

In mid-February, several social media accounts began to post about a “radical U-turn” being made by the Trump administration regarding vaccines. These posts were nearly all worded the same, but they were being posted on Facebook, on Instagram, and X, among other places.

Image from an instagram account. It has a lengthy explanation of a story about how covic vaccines could be suspended for all age groups. It uses a headline and screen shot of the Daily Mail Online. The headline reads "Covid vaccines faces ban for all Americans in radical U-turn by Trump team."

The Frontenno Instagram account doesn’t have a blue checkmark—ultimately a meaningless symbol, as we’ll get to shortly—but it is a “news and media” account with over 63,000 followers. The caption includes a link to a Daily Mail story at the bottom.

Screen shot of an X post from a verified account called @outbreakupdates. It reads "JUST IN: Covid vaccine faces ban for all Americans in radical U-turn by Trump team"

Another post came from an X account called Outbreak Updates. That account, which pays for a blue checkmark to look like it is authoritative, had a lot of engagement on its post. There is nothing linked to the thread and no sources listed as to where the information came from.

These posts showed up in anti-vaccine groups as proof of their beliefs, just as much as they showed up in progressive groups that have long advocated for vaccination. Most of those posts came with no additional information—the above-posted social post on Instagram was rare in sharing a link.

And it’s that link where we need to be spending a little more time before choosing to share the message.

The story emerged in The Daily Mail. The first thing to do is consider the source. What is The Daily Mail, where is it located, and what kind of news do they provide? This is very easy to find. The Daily Mail is a conservative tabloid based in London. All of the social shares for this story used the same few words from the headline: “Radical U-turn.” This suggests that first, they’re not actual news sources themselves, and second, they’re all citing the same single source, that Daily Mail piece.

Then we turn to the social media accounts sharing this information. What can we learn about them? The Instagram account isn’t an American-based source, and English is not its primary language of communication with followers. It’s Norwegian. What vested interest do they have in sharing American-based news with American readers? The answer is little. That’s not to say they don’t have a reason for sharing said news—plenty of their followers have an interest, and the affairs in America directly impact those globally—but they would be far from a first source for news.

The second account on X, Outbreak Updates, looks to share a lot of information about public health concerns. But their bio offers absolutely nothing to indicate they have much authority or expertise in the area. It simply reads “Latest reports. Don’t hesitate to DM me about interesting stories.” Who is this “me?” We don’t know. A look through their timeline showcases the same kind of cut-and-paste sharing as the example above. Lots of decontextualized information without links to original sources. What the account wants you to do is take their word as truth without giving credit or offering sources to back up the statements. No matter how factually correct the information may be, you, as a consumer, are not given sources to independently verify and assess.

At this point, a critical consumer of news knows they need to do some research to see what other outlets are talking about this topic.

A search for a variety of keywords related to the story—vaccine bans, Kennedy vaccine ban, US vaccine ban, vaccine ban Trump administration—brings up absolutely nothing in addition to the Daily Mail story. The original story is either cited by or copy-pasted in other outlets, such as MSN.

The lack of coverage from other outlets should send a big red flag.

So what now?

If you’ve seen this story online, ask the person sharing it to share a link which talks about the topic. This can be done really nicely, especially in a private group or with a friend or loved one. “Hey, do you happen to have a link to a story about this?” or “I tried finding a link to a story about this but am having trouble. Do you have one?” You should not simply accept what’s being told to you, no matter how much you think it sounds true. Often in situations of mis- and dis- information, the person who shared the information can’t provide a resource because their resource is the social post without an attached source. This is one reason why the reliance on TikTok for news, especially in younger demographics, is deeply concerning. Without provided sources or citations, information is decontextualized and easy to use in order to manipulate people into doing, acting, or feeling a certain way.

By asking them to cite a source, you’re not only doing a favor to yourself, but you’re doing a favor to anyone else who may be seeing said post.

These headlines and calls to action of sharing the message are playing on your sense of fear. They are misinformation. The headline is close enough to the truth to feel right—we know Kennedy’s stance on vaccines very well—but it’s a lie because nothing of the sort has actually been said or suggested. Like with the Department of Education press release, this story is intended to reach both the left and the right. The first in order to create outrage. The second, to confirm bias.

We should be angry right now. We should be frustrated. We should be scared. Four+ years of talking about the realities of being a marginalized person when it comes to books being banned is the same reality that appears in every other area of public life. But falling for headlines like these and stoking that rage does no favors for anyone. It is the quickest way to burnout and to despair, which are two things that will not help protect the lives of those most vulnerable right now.

In an era where book censorship continues to grow and where people have found they can get some social media clout or good traffic by writing about book banning, it’s vital to understand not all of this information is true. It takes a lot of time, energy, and effort to track down the truth and to verify the source of claims being mad about censorship.

Book Censorship News: March 7, 2025