Graphic Playlist: Secret Convergence Wars
Everyone has their own rituals when it comes to reading comics. Some people like to read them on the train, others while drinking a cup of coffee. Some of us here at Panels love to don our headphones and sync some of our favorite songs with our favorite comics. In Graphic Playlist, we present you with a recommended set of songs for our favorite comics or favorite characters.
Earth-shattering conflicts with untold and far reaching effects are part and parcel of the comic book event. As we begin to celebrate the 30 year anniversaries of both Secret Wars and Crisis on Infinite Earths, Marvel and DC comics are running world-redefining events across their publishing lines. In Secret Wars and Convergence, both comics universes will see worlds and time lines colliding with each other, vying to see which will survive against seemingly insurmountable odds. While each event is sure to have its own unique flavor, they share a lot in common.
Taking both series general pitch as inspiration, I’ve constructed a playlist that’s perfect for every Crisis and War you’re likely to find yourself reading. Worlds will collide, skies will turn red, our calculating collector/destroyer of worlds will be revealed, and a brave new world will emerge from the ashes. Heroes will be born, heroes will die, time will be rewritten, and nothing will ever be the same (except for the things that will be). Our favorites may be gone or fundamentally changed, but rest assured we’ll meet them again. And always remember, this isn’t the end. Because there’s always a bigger Secret Convergence War on the horizon.
What are your favorite songs to watch the worlds burn to? What’s your Earth-2 Counterpart’s favorite song?
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