Riot Headline The Best Amazon Prime Day Deals for Readers (UPDATED October 9)
Kissing Books

Falling in Love Unexpectedly

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P.N. Hinton

Contributing Editor

Born into a family of readers, P.N. gained a love reading as a sort of herd mentality. This love of reading has remained a life long passion, resulting in an English Degree from The University of Houston in Houston, Texas. She normally reads three to four books at any given time, in the futile Sisyphean hope of whittling down her ever growing to be read pile of no specific genre.

Hello September! Today we have a new release that may get I Don’t Wanna Wait stuck in your head, recommendations for what happens when a first meet up is less than ideal, and more fun stuff for your romance-loving heart. Onward!

Bookish Goods

picture of Annotating Bookmarks

Annotating Bookmarks by AetherealBooks

This is perfect for the bookish peeps who like to annotate their books, no matter the genre. I like how it gives an associated color for the specific type of annotation for quick and easy reference. With three color options, there is something for almost everyone. $10.

New Releases

cover of Make Me Remember

Make Me Remember by Monica Walters

While Jacob normally keeps his cool, once he gets to his threshold for anger, the emotion completely takes over him. When he gets to that point, physical therapist Mekayla is one of the few people who can calm him down, and he quickly begins to develop feelings for her. However, Mekayla didn’t have loving and supportive parents like he did and is trying to work through the damage that left her with. Before they can dream of a happily ever after together, they must first conquer their inner demons.

cover of Prime Time Romance

Prime Time Romance by Kate Robb

When Brynn receives a mystery birthday cake on her 30th birthday, the young divorcee wishes for a happily ever after. The next morning, she wakes up in her favorite comfort show, Carson’s Cove, which ended on a cliffhanger before the wholesome Sloan and golden boy Spencer could admit their love for one another. Even more surprising is that her roommate Josh is also there and that to everyone in the fictional town, they appear as the show’s characters, Sloan and residential bad boy Fletch. To return to their reality, they must make Brynn’s wish come true by having Sloan and Spencer confess their feelings for one another. However, the more time they spend together, the more Brynn begins to wonder if Fletch is Sloan’s perfect match.

For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter.

Riot Recommendations

One of the most beloved tropes in romance is the meet cute. You know, the first time the main characters met each other, be it due to an errant hat or wayward canine. Their eyes meet, and there is an instant connection, and the rest, as they say, is history.

But since I’m actually a chaos demon disguised in the form a a (mostly) mild-mannered upstanding member of society, I prefer the meet disasters. I think they make for better stories when recounting how you got together. Those are the vibes for today’s recommendations. Enjoy!

Book cover of Tempest by Beverly Jenkins

Tempest by Beverly Jenkins

When mail-order bride Regan fires a bullet at her intended groom Colton on arrival, saying that the marriage started on the wrong foot is an understatement. Still, the widower needs a mother for his child and knows the best way to do that is by marrying again. Despite their inauspicious introduction, the two find themselves slowly falling for one another and ready to face any opposition that may try to stop their love from coming to fruition.

Book cover of Two Wrongs Make A Right by Chloe Liese

Two Wrongs Make a Right by Chloe Liese

When the logical Jamie dismisses astrology in front of the Zodiac-loving Bea, she reacts accordingly, and the two are ready to write each other off. But when they discover that their closest friends have tricked them into another date, they decide to get some revenge by letting them think it worked, only to break up in a big way. But as they playact the parts of besotted new lovers, they find themselves falling in love for real and wondering if the friend’s good intentions had merit after all.

Some of this week’s news in the romance world…

Well, at least I’m above average in something, right?

In other less pleasant news, a dark romance author has decided to write a book based on a very real and very current serial unalive. *Le sigh*

I invite you to come be attacked with me.

September is synonymous with the start of football season. If you’re a fan of the sport or just a bystander in your group of friends, then these books may be up your alley.

And that’s all she wrote for today. If you’re ever interested in what I do between the sends, you can always give me a follow over on Instagram under @pns_bookish_world. Until then, happy reading, and stay hydrated!

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