Comics/Graphic Novels

Comics Fetish: Volume 91

Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly round-up of cool comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share. It’s not quite time for another themed edition of Comics Fetish, but… This week, I’m obsessed with gifts for nerdy babies — maybe because I just had the great joy of announcing that I am expecting a nerdy baby of my very own. So this week, all I can think about is comic book onesies. Enjoy! Obviously, I intend to start the indoctrination early. im_told_i_like_comic_books And oh man, this Charlie Brown outfit would make for the cutest baby cosplay (a newborn would pretty much already have the hair for it). charlie_brown_onesie YOU GUYS. clark_kent_babyPretty sure I know what we’re doing for Halloween. wonder_woman_baby_costume And I am seriously crushing on the idea of wearing this to baby book club at the library. padawan_onesie_set