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Comics/Graphic Novels

Comics Fetish: Volume 77 (Shelly Bond Edition)

Brenna Clarke Gray

Staff Writer

Part muppet and part college faculty member, Brenna Clarke Gray holds a PhD in Canadian Literature while simultaneously holding two cats named Chaucer and Swift. It's a juggling act. Raised in small-town Ontario, Brenna has since been transported by school to the Atlantic provinces and by work to the Vancouver area, where she now lives with her stylish cyclist/webgeek husband and the aforementioned cats. When not posing by day as a forserious academic, she can be found painting her nails and watching Degrassi (through the critical lens of awesomeness). She posts about graphic narratives at Graphixia, and occasionally she remembers to update her own blog, Not That Kind of Doctor. Blog: Not That Kind of Doctor Twitter: @brennacgray

Welcome to Comics Fetish, your weekly round-up of cool comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share. This week, I’m mourning Shelly Bond being let go from Vertigo by celebrating some titles she worked on over the years.

sandman sneakers

These shoes honour Sandman and Death from Gaiman’s famous comic. Bond was Executive Editor on Sandman: Overture in 2013.

mad max fury road necklace

Bond was also Executive Editor on the Mad Max: Fury Road tie-in comics. This necklace immortalizes the best line in the movie.

izombie coffin box

This iZombie box is both creepy and adorable. The images come from issue #1, which Bond edited.

astro city cufflinks

These rad (and understated!) cufflinks celebrate another Shelly Bond title, Astro City.

ozma and maddy tee

One of Bond’s longest-running projects was Fables. I love this Ozma and Maddy design.