
Your one-stop-shop for reading quizzes and book quizzes, from the serious to the silly. Whether you want to find out which secondary Jane Austen character you are, or if you’d survive Game of Thrones (tl;dr: probably not), we’ve got the book quiz for you!

Take This Queero Quiz to Find Out Which Queer Superhero You Are

Find out your queer superhero identity with this handy little quiz.

QUIZ: Pick Your Favorite ’90s Movies and Get a Book Rec

If you're feeling nostalgic for '90s cinema, I've got the quiz for you. Just pick your favorite '90s movies and get a book rec.

Take This Genre Blend Quiz to Find Your Perfect Book Mix

What literary mashup is your perfect mix? Romantasy? Sci-cozy? Hist-horror-cal? Take this genre blend quiz to find out!

Quiz: Can You Match the Blurb to the Book?

Which book is “The wittiest and most fun murder party you’ve ever been invited to”? Find out in this book blurb quiz!

QUIZ: Which Book Should You Read First in 2024?

How are you kicking off your bookish year? Take the quiz below and we’ll tell you what book you should read first in 2024.

Quiz: What’s Your Dungeons & Dragons Alignment?

Wondering what your D&D alignment is for your gaming? Take this Dungeons and Dragons alignment quiz to find yours now!

QUIZ: Which 2023 Award-Winning Comic Should You Read Next?

These comics and graphic novels are some of the best of the year, as recognized by the Eisners. Take this quiz to see where to start!

QUIZ: What Job Would You Have in a Cozy Mystery Novel?

The amateur sleuths in cozy mysteries always have fun, unique jobs. What would yours be, if you starred in a cozy mystery?

Quiz: Can You Match The Classic Novel To Its Opening Line?

Are you a big reader of classics? Or just know of them through pop culture? Try your luck for guessing opening lines through this quiz!

Quiz: Pick Your Favorite Holiday Movies & Get a Holiday Romance Novel Recommendation

Choose your favorite movies in this holiday movie quiz and get a festive romance novel recommendation to read this winter.

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