As a geek who divides his time between books and video games, I seriously cherish those wonderful moments when literature ...
Baz Luhrmann's movie The Great Gatsby versus the 1974 version with Robert Redford.
Baz Luhrmann is the man who brought aquarium cute-meets and methamphetamines (not to mention a plus sign!!) to Romeo and ...
No. I can't be. I can't be the only person on the internet who genuinely liked the Great Gatsby movie. ...
I have not done a trailer rundown in FOREVER AGES. Now seemed like a nice time to bring the feature ...
Last month, in anticipation of upcoming Arrested Development and The Great Gatsby releases, we brought you a mash-up that showed ...
In a recent post, I wrote up advising notes for YA characters as if they were students at the university where ...
Louis CK reading Catcher in the Rye
When it comes to music, everyone has that album they can listen to over and over again, without ever getting ...
A while ago I did book recs for the characters of New Girl and Girls. I do believe there are ...