
News on new nonfiction books and recommendations for the best nonfiction books, including historical books, biographies, nonfiction books for kids, and more, from Book Riot.

Annie Dillard on The Writing Life

I don’t really know how these kinship trees work, but Annie Dillard is my third or fourth cousin twice or ...

Riot Recommendation: Food Writing

On the short list of Things I Love As Much as I Love Books, food takes one of the top ...

Worlds Collide: Books about Journalism and Fiction

In her debut novel The Year of the Gadfly, author Jennifer Miller imagines what might happen if a high-school student ...

Now That Iraq is Over, Where Are the Great Books?

Sometimes it’s difficult to read about subjects that you’ve lived. I’m reminded of my dad, an aerospace engineer, critiquing the ...

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: May 1, 2012

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting popular titles that are freshly out in paperback. * ...

The Well-Readheads: Darkness Readable

LH: In our last conversation, we talked about memoirs, and you mentioned you had a weakness for mental health-related memoirs, ...

Genre Kryptonite: Memoirs About Books

When I first started trying to figure out how to talk about this particular genre kryptonite, my first impulse was ...

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: April 24, 2012

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting popular titles that are freshly out in paperback. * ...

Genre Kryptonite: Drug Addiction Memoirs (a.k.a. Books to Get Hooked On)

This installment of Genre Kryptonite is a guest post by Rita Meade. Rita is a librarian who lives and works in ...

Riot Recommendation: Nonfiction with a Side of Self-Help?

I recently fell ass-over-teakettle in love with Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit, which combines social history with a research-based ...