#Newsletter 1

36 Of My Favorite Alice In Wonderland Quotes

36 of my favorite Alice in Wonderland quotes grouped by the best characters, like the Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar, and Alice herself.

19 Of My Favorite Fahrenheit 451 Quotes

"To hell with that,' he said, 'shake the tree and knock the great sloth down on his ass.'" and 18 more of the best Fahrenheit 451 quotes.

43 Short Poems to Sneak More Poetry Into Your Life

Short poems for when you need a quick poetry fix, including super short poems (fewer than 10 lines) and short-ish poems (10–15 lines).

A Beginner’s Guide To The Different Types of Poems

Learn about the most common types of poems and be inspired to write a poem of your own based on these poem examples from famous poets.

The Myers-Briggs Types of 202 Fictional Characters

The Myers-Briggs personality types of 202 literary characters. Find them all here.

Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Agatha Christie Books

With 60+ novels, like Murder On The Orient Express, there's a lot to choose from when it comes to the best Agatha Christie books. Start here.

10 Things to Say When Someone Is Surprised You Read Comics

Is someone surprised you read comics? We've got 10 responses for any situation.

The 10 Best Criminals in Comics

Ten of the most entertaining and devious criminals in comics.

A Reader’s Guide to Naruto

Are you a new manga reader who's confused about where to begin with Naruto? Don't worry. Panelteer Vernieda has you covered.

10 Cheap Bookshelves (That Are Actually Pretty Nice)

Less than $200 and not a complete mess after a year. Here's some of the best cheap bookshelves and where to find them.

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